ALT White Rose

Who are we?

The ALT White Rose Learning Technologists' Forum was established in April 2011.

Join ALT White Rose LTG

To join the Group and be kept up to date with the latest news and events, subscribe to the ALT White Rose LTG mailing list.

If you would like to get involved in the organisation of the Group and its activities, let us know by expressing an interest.

Future events

View ALT White Rose LTG's upcoming events.

Our remit

The remit of this Group is to provide an informal forum for Learning Technologists in the Yorkshire and Humberside region to:

  • share ideas of good practice, demos, success stories etc,
  • brief each other on areas of new technologies that may not lie on all our horizons but be relevant,
  • share resources where appropriate - documentation etc,
  • share intelligence between our respective sectors,
  • be an opportunity to discuss concerns that may be common to some or all of us,
  • try and foster some social cohesion and professional identity.



  • Johanna Fenton, University of Leeds, Co-Chair

  • Ruth Clark, Leeds Conservatoire, Co-Chair

  • Meri Hilliard, Sheffield Hallam University, Secretary

  • Emily Armstrong, Hull University, Events

  • Will Heathcote. Leeds Trinity University, Communication & Membership

  • Lillian Joy, University of York, Officer

  • Sarah Copeland, University of Leeds, Officer