ALT North West England

Who are we?

ALT North West England (ALTNWE) exists to provide a network for the exchange of ideas and practices in relation to current issues in educational technology with the aim of supporting the informed use of Learning Technologies in North West England.

Join ALT North West England

To join the Group and be kept up to date with the latest news and events, subscribe to the ALT North West England mailing list and follow @altnwemg on Twitter. Join the conversation with the hashtag #ALTNWE.

Future Events

View ALT North West England's upcoming events.

Our remit

Focuses on the following areas:
  • Developing a sustainable network, using face-to-face and networked technologies, which is focused on sharing experiences and the pedagogical possibilities and constraints of Learning Technologies
  • Exploring changes within our institutions, in e-learning pedagogies and Learning Technologies.
  • Horizon scanning and supporting a view of the bigger picture across our institutions and across sectors.
  • Discussing and disseminating research opportunities with a view to a) joint bids/work, b) providing an outlet for small scale and unpublished research, c) developing research capacity
  • Considering ethical issues including the use of universal services (e.g. Twitter and Facebook) with their own terms and conditions, copyright, the use of open source and OERs
  • Supporting the CPD of members e.g. by sharing  development opportunities



  • Matt Cripps, University of Liverpool (Chair)

  • David Callaghan, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (Officer)

  • Diane Bennett, University of Manchester (Secretary)

  • Chris Meadows, Imperial College London (Secretary)

  • Karine Yusuff, University of Bristol (Officer)