MOOC SIG is no longer active. This page remains as an archive only.
The ALT MOOC SIG was established in 2013, and continued until 2016.
To get involved with other ALT SIGs, such as the Open Education SIG, or to join one of ALT's regional Members Groups, please explore the groups at https://www.alt.ac.uk/groups.
If you're not a member of ALT yet you can find out more and join at https://www.alt.ac.uk/membership
Remit and Scope
The remit of the MOOC SIG was:
- To enable people whose work relates to MOOCs to compare notes and share experiences.
- To provide a broader forum for the discussion of MOOC-related topics, for example:
- quality assurance and enhancement;
- the impact of MOOCs on teaching and learning, and on strategic developments in campus-based institutions.
The SIG deliberately did not seek to define what is (or is not) a MOOC, but rather encouraged participants to share notes and compare experiences across a wide range of “MOOC like" activities. Similarly "people whose work relates to MOOCs" was defined broadly to include:
- teaching in a MOOC;
- authenticating MOOCs in the business and education communities;
- working on content or assessments for use in MOOCs, and their overall design;
- developing or maintaining platforms for MOOCs;
- providing learner-support within MOOCs;
- researching MOOCs and evaluating their impact;
- setting policy that relates to MOOCs;
- sharing good practice relating to MOOCs;
- using MOOC-inspired pedagogy or techniques.
Archive of MOOC SIG activites
Blog - http://altmoocsig.learningtechnologist.co.uk/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/altmoocsig
Google Community - ALT MOOC SIG https://plus.google.com/communities/116444400670939145543