ALT North East England

Who we are?

The ALT North East England Members Group incorporates the existing NELE (North East Learning Environments) group, and was approved by the Tustees of ALT in November 2017.

Join ALT North East England

To join the Group and be kept up to date with the latest news and events, subscribe to the ALT North East England mailing list.

If you would like to get involved in the organisation of the Group and its activities, let us know by expressing an interest.

Future Events

View ALT North East England's upcoming events.

Our remit

In common with all ALT Members Groups, ALT North East England will:

  • support the activities of ALT Members in the North East of England in line with ALT’s strategic aims
  • share ALT’s values of being participative, open, collaborative, innovative, inclusive and transparent
  • run activities including for NELE events, discussions or social activities to help collaboration and networking in the North East of England area
  • actively and regularly share information about its activities
  • welcome and encourage new members from across the North East
  • where possible support each other in relation to CMALT
  • with participation from ALT Trustees and staff, represent ALT Members in policy matters in the North East of England


Specifically in the context of its work in the North East area, this group’s aims further include:

  • to work with the four Higher Education ALT institutions in the North East and invite the fifth North East HE institution as a guest
  • to invite guest attendees from all Further Education feeder College representatives to termly meetings
  • to influence policy in relation to a particular interest in LMS platforms (Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle et al)
  • to explore new technologies and share experiences between institutions where cross-collaboration is valuable
  • to provide a mailing list for communication between members and guests,
  • to hold additional sessions as the need arises to discuss specific areas of interest


  • Julie Mulvey, Durham University (Co-Chair)
  • Malcolm Murray, Durham University (Co-Chair)
  • Graeme Redshaw-Boxwell, Newcastle University (Secretary)