ALT South

Who are we?

ALT South was established in late 2016 and was approved by the Trustees of ALT in February 2017.

Join ALT South

To join the Group and be kept up to date with the latest news and events, subscribe to the ALT South mailing list.

If you would like to get involved in the organisation of the Group and its activities, let us know by expressing an interest.

Future events

View ALT South's upcoming events.

Past events and recordings

View past events and recordings on ALT South's YouTube playlist.

Watch What does 2021 look like? and 'Online Learning Materials and Accessibility', Tharindu Liyanagunawardena.

Our remit

The ALT South Group will:

  • support the activities of ALT Members in the South East and the South West in line with ALT’s strategic aims
  • share ALT’s values of being participative, open, collaborative, innovative, inclusive and transparent
  • run activities including, for example, events, discussions or social activities to help collaboration and networking in the South
  • actively and regularly share information about its activities
  • welcome and encourage new members from across the South
  • where possible to support each other in relation to CMALT
  • with participation from ALT Trustees and staff represent ALT Members in policy matters in the South East and the South West.


Specifically in the context of its work in Southern England, this group’s aims further include:
  • Share good practice and success stories
  • Brief each other on areas of new technologies that may not lie on all our horizons but could be relevant
  • Share resources where appropriate
  • Share intelligence between our respective sectors
  • Provide an opportunity to discuss concerns that may be common across the region
  • Build a community of practice and learning among colleagues in the South
  • Promote criticality, research, and research-based practice in Learning Technology in the region.

