1. The general duties as the Trustee of a charity like ALT are to:
- ensure that the organisation complies with its governing documents, charity and company law and other relevant legislation or regulations;
- ensure that the organisation pursues its objects as defined in its governing document;
- ensure that the organisation applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects;
- give firm strategic direction to the organisation; setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets;
- safeguard the good name and ethos of the organisation;
- ensure the effective and efficient administration of the organisation;
- appoint the chief executive officer and monitor his/her performance.
2. Specific activities of Trustees in ALT include:
- attending meetings of the Board of Trustees (normally three per year);
- participating in policy discussions and the production of consultation responses;
- contributing to the drafting and monitoring of the three year ALT strategy;
- chairing sub-committees of ALT or task groups which are set up from time to time.
- helping to promote the Association’s aims and values.
In addition, the following roles have specific responsibilities: - Vice-Chair: the Vice-Chair provides support to the Chair of ALT, representing ALT at events across sectors and the ALT Assembly.
- Chair: the Chair chairs meetings of the Board of Trustees and works closely with senior staff, providing strategic input to ALT's strategy and development. The Chair represents ALT across sectors, including working with policy makers. The Chief Executive reports directly to the Chair of ALT.
- Honorary Treasurer: the Honorary Treasurer works with the Chief Executive and ALT's independent auditors on the Annual Accounts and financial reporting to the Board of Trustees.
- President: the President usually chairs the AGM, the judging panel for the Learning Technologist of the Year Awards and provides input to ALT's work with policy makers. The President of ALT also chairs formal meetings of the ALT Assembly.
3. Nominees for Trustee Positions should be aware of the following points:
- Trustees in ALT personally hold limited legal and financial responsibilities on behalf of the charitable incorporated organisation (CIO).
- Trustees are governed by English Law as it relates to Charity Trustees and work in line with the Charity Commission Guidelines (see http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/)
- ALT’s permanent staff employed by ALT as a CIO and the Chief Executive reports to the Board of Trustees.
- ALT provides indemnity insurance for its Trustees, in keeping with good practice for the management of charities.
This was last updated and approved by Trustees February 2019.