Past Presidents and former Trustees


See ALT's current Board of  Trustees. 

2022 - 2023

 Chair: Helen O'Sullivan
President: David White
Trustees: Peter Bryant, Lorna Campbell, Elizabeth Charles, Shonagh Douglas, Keith Smyth, Sharon Flynn, Natalie Lafferty  

2021 - 2022

Chair: Helen O'Sullivan
President: David White
Trustees: Bella Abrams, Peter Bryant, Lorna Campbell, Elizabeth Charles, Shonagh Douglas, Keith Smyth, Sharon Flynn, Natalie Lafferty 

2020 - 2021

Chair: Helen O'Sullivan
President: David White
Trustees: Bella Abrams, Peter Bryant, Lorna Campbell, Elizabeth Charles, Daniel Clark, Keith Smyth, Sharon Flynn, Natalie Lafferty 

2019 - 2020

President: Martin Weller
Trustees: Bella Abrams, Peter Bryant, Lorna Campbell, Elizabeth Charles, Daniel Clark, Sheila MacNeill, Keith Smyth, Sharon Flynn, Natalie Lafferty 

2018 - 2019

President: Martin Weller
Trustees: Bella Abrams, Peter Bryant, Lorna Campbell, Elizabeth Charles, Daniel Clark, Sarah Sherman, Sheila MacNeill, Nicola Whitton 

2017 - 2018

President: Martin Weller
Trustees: Bella Abrams, Peter Bryant, Lorna Campbell, Elizabeth Charles, Daniel Clark, James Clay, Shirley Evans, Neil Morris, Sarah Sherman, Sheila MacNeill, Nicola Whitton 

2016 - 2017

President: Fiona Harvey
Trustees: Bella Abrams, Lorna Campbell, Alastair Clark, Daniel Clark, James Clay, Shirley Evans, Matt Lingard, Neil Morris, Sarah Sherman, Malcolm Ryan, Sheila MacNeill,  Martin Weller

2015 - 2016

President: Doug Gowan
Trustees: Alastair Clark, Daniel Clark, James Clay, Shirley Evans, Fiona Harvey, Matt Lingard, Neil Morris, Sarah Sherman, Malcolm Ryan, Sheila MacNeill,  Martin Weller

2014 - 2015

President: Diana Laurillard
Trustees: Haydn Blackey, Alastair Clark, Claire Donlan, Shirley Evans, Doug Gowan, Claire Donlan, Sheila MacNeill, Fiona Harvey, Haydn Blackey, James Clay, Matt Lingard, Malcolm Ryan, Sarah Sherman

2013 - 2014

President: Claire Donlan
Trustees: Haydn Blackey, Alastair Clark, James Clay, Shirley Evans, Doug Gowan, Diana Laurillard, Matt Lingard, Norbert Pachler, Vanessa Pittard, Sarah Sherman

2012 - 2013

President: Martin Oliver
Trustees: Haydn Blackey, Alastair Clark, James Clay, Shirley Evans, Doug Gowan, Diana Laurillard, Matt Lingard, Dick Moore, Norbert Pachler, Vanessa Pittard, Sarah Sherman

2011 - 2012

President: Gilly Salmon
Trustees: Liz Bennett, Alastair Clark, John Cook, Claire Donlan, David Dyet, Haydn Blackey, Matt Lingard, Dick Moore, Fred Pickering, Liz Masterman, Martin Oliver, Gilly Salmon

2010 - 2011

President: Carol Higgison
Trustees: Liz Bennett, David Dyet, John Cook, Haydn Blacky, Linda Creanor, Carol Higgison, Dick Moore, Fred Pickering, Nicola Whitton, Liz Masterman, Martin Oliver, Gilly Salmon

2009 - 2010

President: Steve Ryan
Trustees: Liz Bennett, David Dyet, John Cook, Haydn Blacky, John Phelps, Linda Creanor, Carol Higgison, Dick Moore, Fred Pickering, Nicola Whitton, Liz Masterman, Gilly Salmon

2008 - 2009

President: Cathy Ellis
Trustees: Liz Bennett, Cathy Ellis, Gayle Calverley, John Phelps, Robin Mason, Linda Creanor, Carol Higgison, Steve Ryan, Dick Moore, Fred Pickering, Ian Smith, Nicola Whitton

2007 - 2008

President: Linda Creanor
Trustees: Liz Bennett, Cathy Ellis, Gayle Calverley, John Phelps, John Slater, Steve Ryan, Robin Mason, Linda Creanor, Paul Bacsich, Fred Pickering, Dick Moore, and Tom Franklin

2006 - 2007

President: Jane Seale
Trustees: Liz Bennett, Cathy Ellis, Dawn Leeder, Gayle Calverley, John Phelps, John Slater, Robin Mason, Linda Creanor, Paul Bacsich, Fred Pickering, and Tom Franklin.

2005 - 2006

President: John Cook
Trustees: Barbara Newland, Cathy Ellis, Dawn Leeder, Gayle Calverley, Jane Seale, Jay Dempster, John Phelps, John Slater, Linda Creanor, Paul Bacsich and Tom Franklin

2004 - 2005

President: Stephen Brown
Trustees: Barbara Newland, Cathy Ellis, Gayle Calverley, George Roberts, Jane Seale, Jay Dempster, John Cook, John Phelps, John Slater, Kevin Palmer and Paul Bacsich

2003 - 2004

President: Joyce Martin
Trustees: Barbara Newland, Gayle Calverley, George Roberts, Grainne Conole, Jane Seale, Jay Dempster, John Cook, John Lidgey, John Slater, Kevin Palmer, Paul Bacsich and Stephen Brown

2002 - 2003

President: John O'Donoghue
Trustees: Cliff Allan, George Roberts, Grainne Conole, Jane Seale, John Brown, John Lidgey, John Slater, Jonathan Darby, Joyce Martin, Paul Bacsich, Ros O'Leary and Stephen Brown

2001 - 2002

President: Nick Hammond
Trustees: Cliff Allan, Joyce Martin, Ray McAleese, John O'Donoghue, Gabriel Jacobs, Grainne Conole, Jane Seale, John Brownm, John Lidgey, Jonathan Darby and Stephen Brown

2000 - 2001

President: Nick Hammond
Trustees: Brian Boullier, Cliff Allan, Cris Woolston, David Squires, Gabriel Jacobs, John Brown , John Lidgey, John O'Donoghue, Jonathan Darby, Joyce Martin, Ray McAleese and Rosemary Phillimore

1999 - 2000

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Brian Boullier, Cris Woolston, Gabriel Jacobs, Jay Dempster, John Brown, John Lidgey, John O'Donoghue, Joyce Martin, Nick Hammond, Ray McAleese and Rosemary Phillimore

1998 - 1999

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Brian Boullier, Cris Woolston, Edward James, Gabriel Jacobs, Graham Chesters, Jay Dempster, Jean Macdonald, John Brown, John O'Donoghue, Joyce Martin, Nick Hammond, Ray McAleese and Rosemary Phillimore

1997 - 1998

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Brian Boullier, Bridget Somekh, Cris Woolston, Dianne Phillips, Edward James, Gabriel Jacobs, Graham Chesters, Jay Dempster, Jean Macdonald, John O'Donoghue, Neil Morgan, Nick Hammond, Peter Goodyear, Phil Barker, Ray McAleese, Roger Hartley and Rosemary Phillimore

1996 - 1997

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Brian Boullier, Dianne Phillips, Gabriel Jacobs, Graham Chesters, Jay Dempster, Jean Macdonald, John O'Donoghue, Neil Morgan, Nick Hammond, Peter Goodyear, Phil Barker, Ray McAleese and Roger Hartley

1995 - 1996

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Audrey McCartan, Dianne Phillips, Emma Candy, Gabriel Jacobs, Graham Chesters, Jay Dempster, John O'Donoghue, Neil Morgan, Nick Hammond, Nigel Gardner, Peter Goodyear, Phil Barker, Ray McAleese, Roger Hartley and Shona Cameron

1994 - 1995

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Audrey McCartan, Cris Woolston, David Hawkridge, Dianne Phillips, Emma Candy, Gabriel Jacobs, Graham Chesters, Neil Morgan, Nick Hammond, Nigel Gardner, Peter Goodyear, Phil Barker and Simon Heath

1993 - 1994

President: Jonathan Darby
Trustees: Dianne Phillips, Gabriel Jacobs, Graham Chesters, Mike Kibby, Neil Morgan, Nick Hammond, Nigel Gardner, Peter Goodyear and Ray McAleese