
Reach a global audience to help share the expertise of your organisation by becoming a sponsor for ALT’s 2021 Annual Conference, 7-9 September.  Headline and Strategic pathways are available to help you build connections with Edtech leaders and...
Following popular demand from recent conferences, we have now added some new designs to our altc shop. Available on face masks, t-shirts, jumpers, mugs and lot's of other items, to help celebrate Learning Technologists even more widely.  Checkout...
The ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Awards celebrate and reward excellent research and practice and outstanding achievement in Learning Technology. Established in 2007, the Awards have established a benchmark for outstanding achievement in...
Founded in 2013 by the Open Education Consortium, the goal of Open Education Week is to raise awareness and showcase the impact of open education on teaching and learning worldwide. ALT's 2020-25 Strategy sets out openness as one of the Association'...
  The Call for Proposals for the #OERxDomains21 Conference has now been extended to 10 February 2021.  The conference will put the spotlight on both the value and limitations of Open Education in a (post)pandemic world. We are particularly keen to...
Currently working towards or just started your CMALT accreditation? ALT has developed a 1 day standalone workshop to help you fast track your portfolio completion. Date Tuesday 30 March 2021 09:15-16:00GMT Register Content In the week before the...
Organised by the Association for Learning Technology and partnership with Reclaim Hosting’s Domains Conference, this special edition of the much loved event is the 12th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy. We are proud...
In the coming months we are planning to hold regular CPD webinars that are free to attend for Members and we are now looking for Members wishing to present at one of the sessions. Presenting at one of these sessions, will enable you to:   Share...
The Call for Proposals for the OERxDomains Conference is now open. The conference will take place online, 21-22 April 2021. The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2021.  Organised by the Association for Learning Technology and partnership with...
Our 2020 Online Winter Conference was a great success, and we would like to say a huge thank you to all who participated in the event. We had a record number of participants, and a fantastic selection of sessions. Although the conference has now...
