This year, we are offering new ways to connect with our community as an exhibitor or sponsor, to make the most of our 30th anniversary celebrations and in-person programme at the University of Warwick.
Join us and over 500 learning technologists for our first fully-fledged Annual Conference since 2019. We have mutliple opportunities to get involved as an exhibitor or sponsor for this year's Conference.
The ALT Annual Conference is the UK’s foremost conference for Learning Technologists and one of the largest conferences of its kind, attracting around 500 participants each year. This year, we are celebrating three decades since ALT was established in 1993 with our 30th annual conference. This year’s conference theme, “Looking through the digital lens: 30 years of Leading People, Digital and Culture”, will celebrate our 30th anniversary and the phenomenal changes in the sector over this time.
The conference will critically examine the organisations and practices we work in through a digital lens, fostering a community of future leaders and innovators in the digital space, who come together to exchange ideas, collaborate, and drive change. Community in this context also means thinking about what expertise is needed - well beyond the educational technology and technical expertise: organisational change leadership and management, business analysis, and the student voice.
The event will take place on 5th - 7th September 2023, The Oculus, University of Warwick, UK.
This is the event we have been waiting for and we look forward to working with you to make it happen.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Lead as our Headline Sponsor and reach our community
Unique opportunity: Member rate £10,000 (no VAT charged), includes 4 full package conference
Non-Member rate £12,000 (no VAT charged), includes 4 full package conference passes*
● Share your vision with our delegates during a conference plenary session (10 minutes);
● Opportunity to provide video bumper to be played at the start of all plenary sessions
● Prominent placement as headline sponsor on the conference website
● Headline sponsor listing on the event website with company logo, 200 word profile and
contact details
● Prominent placement as headline sponsor in all email marketing and mailings to conference
● Opportunity to include a message in the thank you email sent to all delegates post event
● Prominent placement as headline sponsor on the online event platform
● Opportunity to provide a promotional giveaway item to all conference attendees
● Prominent identification on printed signage throughout the conference
● Headline sponsor credit in the conference guide
● Headline sponsor credit on event holding slides
● 2x dedicated social media posts crediting you as headline sponsor
● Access to the full delegate list one day prior to the event
● 4m x 2m exhibition stand (or equivalent sized floor space) in prime location at the venue
● 4x full package conference passes (including accommodation and gala dinner attendance)*
Sponsor a Conference theme and connect with your audience
Four opportunities: Member rate £5,000 (no VAT charged)
Non-Member rate £6,000 (no VAT charged)
● Pre-recorded video focused on the conference theme (3-5 minutes) which will introduce the
theme at the conference and feature online;
● Run a 30 min demo session as part of the programme;
● Company logo on holding slides for the selected theme
● Listing on the conference website and prominent identification throughout the conference
on digital displays;
● Promotion on social media and in mailings to all conference participants;
● Access to the participant list and social space.
● 1x exhibition pod in a prime location at the venue
● 2x full package conference passes (including accommodation and gala dinner attendance)*
Celebrating our 30th birthday, this year’s session themes have been identified as:
● Leading people in a time of complexity
● Diversity and inclusion
● Sustainability and social justice
● Emerging technologies and behaviours
Sponsor scholarships for greater inclusion and participation
Member rate: £2,000 (no VAT charged)
Non-Member rate: £2,400 (no VAT charged)
● Guest blog post sharing your vision for greater inclusion and participation;
● Listing on the conference website and prominent identification throughout the conference
on digital displays;
● Promotion on social media and in mailings about conference scholarships;
● Access to the participant list and social space.
● 1x 3 day conference pass*
● 1x seat at 30th anniversary gala dinner
Sponsor a product to make sure everyone recognises your brand
Member rate: £1,000 (no VAT charged)
Non-Member rate: £1,200 (no VAT charged)
● Opportunity to provide company branded products to all conference attendees
● Listing on the conference website and identification throughout the conference on digital
● Promotion on social media and in mailings about the conference;
● Access to the participant list and social space.
● 1x 3 day conference pass*
● 1x seat at 30th anniversary gala dinner
Become a Conference Supporter
Member rate: £1,000 (no VAT charged)
Non-Member rate: £1,200 (no VAT charged)
● Show your support for our community and the work we do;
● Listing on the conference website and identification throughout the conference on digital
● Promotion on social media and in mailings about the conference;
● Access to the participant list and social space.
● 1x 3 day conference pass*
● 1x seat at 30th anniversary gala dinner
Sponsor the 30th anniversary gala dinner and awards ceremony
Member rate: £5,000 (no VAT charged)
Non-Member rate: £6,000 (no VAT charged)
● Sponsorship of an awards category of your choice (subject to availability)
● Opportunity to join the judging panel for the award you are sponsoring
● Opportunity to present the award during the Awards Ceremony
● 2x tables of 10 at gala dinner in prime position, with opportunity to invite VIPs
● Opportunity to provide video bumper to be played at the start of the Awards Ceremony
● Gala dinner sponsor listing on the event website with company logo, 100 word profile and
contact details
● Opportunity to provide a promotional giveaway item to all dinner attendees
● Gala dinner sponsor credit in the conference guide
● Sponsor credit on screens during the event
● Dedicated social media post crediting you as gala dinner sponsor
● Access to the participant list and social space
Sponsor an ALT Award to celebrate outstanding achievement
Five opportunities: Member rate: £2,500 (no VAT charged)
Non-Member rate: £3,000 (no VAT charged)
● 1x table of 10 at the gala dinner, with opportunity to invite VIPs
● Opportunity to join the judging panel for the Award you are sponsoring;
● Prominent identification during the Award Ceremony
● Opportunity to present the award during the Awards Ceremony;
● Company logo on winners’ certificates
● Sponsor credit in the conference guide
● Listing on the conference website and prominent identification throughout the conference
on digital displays;
● Promotion on social media and in mailings about the awards and the Awards Ceremony;
● Access to the participant list and social space
Exhibition opportunities
Full exhibition package
Members Exhibition package: £3,000
Non-Members Exhibition package: £3,600
● 3m x 2m x 2.4m shell scheme exhibition stand, or opt-out if you prefer to bring your own
● Wireless internet access.
● One 500w 2 amp socket.
● Company logo and description in the conference guide as well on the website and
networking platform.
● Gain access to the participant list and networking platform.
● Includes 2 x Exhibitor conference passes.
● Optional table and two chairs.
● Optional extras available
● Company logo and description listed on the conference website Exhibitors page and
displayed on the carousel
● Exhibitor announcement on social media
● Access to the GDPR compliant participant list - This will be provided upon close of hybrid
registration and close of online only registration. This is an opt in form and the permission
details ‘The participant list will contain your name, affiliation and email address. The
participant list will be shared with delegates, including sponsors and exhibitors.’
● Access to network online via our Discord platform.
● 2 x 3 day conference pass*
● 2 x seats at 30th anniversary gala dinner
Demo Pod
Members: £2,000
Non-Members: £2,500
● Wireless internet access
● One 500w 2 amp socket
● Company logo the conference guide as well on the website and networking platform
● Optional extras available
● Company logo and description listed on the conference website Exhibitors page and
displayed on the carousel
● Exhibitor announcement on social media
● Access to the GDPR compliant participant list - This will be provided upon close of hybrid
registration and close of online only registration. This is an opt in form and the permission
details ‘The participant list will contain your name, affiliation and email address. The
participant list will be shared with delegates, including sponsors and exhibitors.’
● Access to network online via our Discord platform.
● 1x 3 day conference pass*
● 1x seat at 30th anniversary gala dinner
For further information about any of the packages, or to secure your booking, please contact ALT's Events Manager, Katie Johnson