All News

05 August 2020
About This blog post is a preamble to my session at the ALT 2020 Online Summit on what we can learn from UX principles for making more accessible and inclusive learning experiences. It outlines some...
05 August 2020
‘President’ is a loaded term, but my Tweets are of a higher standard than that American one, so I think it’s ok. My first ALT conference was in 2004. I remember it was at Exeter University and that I...
03 August 2020
This is a statement by the Information Literacy Group, a special interest group of the CILIP, the library and information association. Our members come from a range of backgrounds, including...
03 August 2020
In the light of the coronavirus pandemic, education has been rapidly transformed by the increasing necessity to deliver remote learning and teaching, and consequently, online assessment practices....
29 July 2020
Closing date: 15 September 2020 Research in Learning Technology (RLT)  is the peer reviewed, Open Access journal published by the Association for Learning Technology. RLT aims to raise the profile of...
29 July 2020
We are delighted to announce that a number of free scholarship places are still available for the Online Summer Summit this year, thanks to our first Scholarship Sponsor, Vevox. The deadline for...
28 July 2020
The Communities of Practice project is led by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) and funded by Ufi - the VocTech Trust. The project goal is to establish a successful ‘community of practice...
23 July 2020
The Association for Learning Technology (ALT) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) on 4 March 2020.   ALT’s...
15 July 2020
It’s that time of year where we invite our Members to come and get more involved with ALT.  Taking an active part in the work of the Association ensures that all activities are shaped by Members’...
13 July 2020
The CMALT Accreditation Framework provides pathways to peer-assessed accreditation for Learning Technology professionals in the UK and internationally. Recently, the CMALT and Blended Learning...
