ALT's journal, Research in Learning Technology, is seeking strategic sponsorship to meet the urgent demand for more Open Access in this rapidly expanding field of research. We are receiving an unusually large volume of high quality submissions focused on the response to the global crisis and the journal has already published more than its usual volume of papers this year. You can browse all current articles here.
Supporting the Open COVID Pledge for Education, ALT's journal is a Gold Open Access journal, levying no article processing charges. In order to continue to be able to offer authors no financial barriers to publish their research, we are thus seeking strategic support for the 2021 volume of Research in Learning Technology and future themed collections.
If you are interested in finding out more, please contact ALT's Chief Executive Dr Maren Deepwell, ceo@alt.ac.uk .
Find out more
Research in Learning Technology (RLT) is a peer reviewed, open access journal published by the Association for Learning Technology. RLT aims to raise the profile of research in learning technology, encouraging research that informs good practice and contributes to the development of policy. RLT publishes articles in the following broad areas: technology enhanced learning, online learning, distance learning, mobile learning, flexible learning, wearable technologies, simulation, learning environments, learning spaces, pedagogy, open educational practice and social media.
Why publish with RLT?
Open Access – Research in Learning Technology is free from all access barriers, allowing for the widest possible dissemination of your work.
Retain copyright – you are free to disseminate your work, make unlimited copies, and deposit it in any repository.
Free to publish – there are no article submission or article processing fees.
Personal service – Research in Learning Technology is published in partnership with Open Academia, a Publishing Partner dedicated to giving you excellent service.
Self-archiving – you can deposit any version of your manuscript in any required repository or archive, or post it to your personal or institutional website.