The agenda for the AGM and related information, including arrangements for proxy voting, has now been published on the AGM page. As a member of ALT or the representative of a member organisation, you play an essential part in the governance of the Association and we hope that all members attending this year's annual conference will participate in the AGM.
This year's AGM Agenda includes announcement of the Election of Trustees, for which we have had a larger than expected turnout. Also at the AGM will be the award of Honorary Life Membership of ALT with two individuals being honoured this year who have made an exceptional contribution to the field of Learning Technology. The Annual Accounts and Report will be presented by the Auditor and Honorary Treasurer, providing Members with an update on progress made during the last year.
- Agenda (and proxy voting form also as Word docx)
- Annual Reports 2016 (charity no.1160039 and charity no.1063519)
- Minutes of the 2015 Annual General Meeting (CIO) held in Manchester, on 9 September 2015 [ ~ 80kB PDF]
- Minutes of the 22nd Annual General Meeting held in Manchester, on 9 September 2015 [ ~ 80kB PDF
If you would like to attend only the AGM, please contact us, and we can arrange an AGM pass. Also, refer to details of proxy voting arrangements set out in the agenda doc. Please note that the deadline for proxy voting forms to be received by ALT is no later than 17.00 BST on 31 August 2016.