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Start Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:30:00 +0000

<p>With Jane Seale, member of the REF Education sub panel<br /><br />In the learning technology field there is no shortage of research questions - but there is a shortage of research funding. Learning technology researchers are increasingly being required to address issues of impact in order to attract funding.&nbsp; At the beginning of the project, they must anticipate the potential impact of their research on end users, beyond the realms of scholarly citations, and put in place measures to demonstrate that impact. This is a particular challenge, especially in a field that in its infancy was prone to adopt a non-critical &lsquo;evangelical&rsquo; stance to learning technology. The field is maturing however, both in its methodological and theoretical approaches, and it would seem pertinent (if not imperative!) that learning technology researchers be proactive rather than reactive with regards to mapping out what impact means in the context of learning technology research. In this session Jane Seale will:<br /><br /></p>
<li>Provide an overview of the different ways that funders such as ESRC and HEFCE define and conceptualise &ldquo;impact&rdquo; and &ldquo;users of research&rdquo;;</li>
<li>Offer her personal interpretations, with examples, of how learning technology research might demonstrate impact;</li>
<li>Facilitate debate and reflection regarding how well placed current UK learning technology research is to meet the challenges of demonstrating impact.</li>
<p><br />Jane Seale joined the Faculty of Education as Professor of Education in September 2010 and was appointed as a member of the Education sub panel for REF 2014 in March 2011.&nbsp; She has undertaken a number of key national co-ordination and leadership roles in the field of e-learning and research including President of the Association for Learning Technology and Co-Director of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods. Jane&rsquo;s research operates at the intersection of education, technology and disability and she has over 20 years of experience examining the role of technology in promoting inclusion, particularly for those with learning disabilities. Her 2006 book &ldquo;E-learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility Research and Practice&rdquo; is in over 450 libraries world-wide. Currently Jane is convenor of the TLRP Technology Enhanced Learning Digital Inclusion Forum. <br /><br />The hashtag for this event is #ltrimpact. A Cloudscape has been set up to enable outside interaction with the event at: <a href="">

Title: Making a difference: How can we demonstrate the impact of learning technology research?
Event ID:
ID: 27
Start Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 12:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at <a href=""> /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for candidates
Event ID:
ID: 26
Start Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2012 13:15:00 +0000

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<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11.&nbsp; We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<span class="Apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href="">
<p>The webinar will start at 1315 GMT, and will finish no later than 14.15 GMT.</p>
<p>The session is designed to provide information and support to new CMALT assessors</p>
<p>It will provide an overview of the assessment criteria, advice on how to complete an assessment and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.</p>
<p>There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for Assessors
Event ID:
ID: 23
Start Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 12:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for candidates
Event ID:
ID: 21
Start Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 12:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<br /><br />The session will provide an overview of the assessment criteria, advice on how to complete an assessment and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for assessors
Event ID:
ID: 20
Start Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 12:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for candidates
Event ID:
ID: 19
Start Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 17:00:00 +0000

<p>View a recording of the webinar on the <a title="Link to webinar recording" href="">ALT Open Access Repository</a>.</p>
<p>This webinar will enable Diana and Stephen in turn to present contrasting responses to the question which forms the title of the session, and participants to raise questions and make comments.</p>
<p>The session will be moderated by Maren Deepwell and Seb Schmoller, and the hashtag for the event is #ldcomp.</p>
<h2>About the presenters</h2>
<p><strong>Diana Laurillard</strong> is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, leading externally-funded research projects on (i) developing a learning design support environment for teachers, and (ii) developing software interventions for learners with low numeracy and dyscalculia. This work relates closely to her roles as Assistant Director for Open Mode learning, and as a founder member of the Planning Board for the cross-institutional Centre for Educational Neuroscience (IOE, Birkbeck, UCL). She is joint coordinator for the MSc in Learning Technologies with Birkbeck, and is also involved in consultancies for La Guardia College USA, the Institute of Education Hong Kong, Temasek Polytechnic Singapore. Diana's current roles include: Boards of the Observatory for Borderless HE, Supervisory Council for Fern Universit&auml;t in Hagen, Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for IT in Education. She has given many international keynote addresses, published in many academic journals and books, and her book Rethinking University Teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2002, RoutledgeFalmer), one of the most widely cited in the field, is now translated into Chinese (ECU Presss, 2011). Her forthcoming book is &lsquo;Teaching as a Design Science: Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and Technology&rsquo; (Routledge).</p>
<p><strong>Stephen Downes</strong> is a senior researcher for Canada's National Research&nbsp;Council and a leading proponent of the use of online media and services&nbsp;in education. As the author of the widely-read OLDaily online&nbsp;newsletter, Downes has earned international recognition for his&nbsp;leading-edge work in the field of online learning. He developed some of&nbsp;Canada's first online courses at Assiniboine Community College in&nbsp;Brandon, Manitoba. He also built a learning management system from&nbsp;scratch and authored the now-classic "The Future of Online Learning".&nbsp;At&nbsp;the University of Alberta he built a learning and research portal for&nbsp;the municipal sector in that province, Munimall, and another for the&nbsp;Engineering and Geology sector, PEGGAsus. He also pioneered the&nbsp;development of learning objects and was one of the first adopters and&nbsp;developers of RSS content syndication in education. Downes introduced&nbsp;the concept of e-learning 2.0 and with George Siemens developed and&nbsp;defined the concept of Connectivism, using the social network approach&nbsp;to deliver open online courses to three thousand participants over two&nbsp;years. Downes has been offering courses in learning, logic, philosophy&nbsp;both online and off since 1987, has 135 articles published in books,&nbsp;magazines and academic journals, and has presented his unique&nbsp;perspective on learning and technology more than 250 times to audiences&nbsp;in 17 countries on five continents.</p>

Title: ALT webinar: To what extent should learning design be supported computationally? A 90 minute webinar discussion between Diana Laurillard and Stephen Downes.
Event ID:
ID: 18
Start Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2011 11:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for candidates
Event ID:
ID: 17
Start Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11.&nbsp; We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<br /><br />The webinar will start at 1230 UK time, and will finish no later than 1330.<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to new CMALT assessors<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the assessment criteria, advice on how to complete an assessment and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for assessors
Event ID:
ID: 14
Start Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 11:30:00 +0000

<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11 We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>

Title: CMALT webinar for candidates
Event ID:
ID: 13
