<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at http://www.alt.ac.uk/events/webinar-faqs.<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>
<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at http://www.alt.ac.uk/events/webinar-faqs.<br /><br />The session will provide an overview of the assessment criteria, advice on how to complete an assessment and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>
<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at http://www.alt.ac.uk/events/webinar-faqs.<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>
<p>View a recording of the webinar on the <a title="Link to webinar recording" href="http://repository.alt.ac.uk/2209/">ALT Open Access Repository</a>.</p>
<p>This webinar will enable Diana and Stephen in turn to present contrasting responses to the question which forms the title of the session, and participants to raise questions and make comments.</p>
<p>The session will be moderated by Maren Deepwell and Seb Schmoller, and the hashtag for the event is #ldcomp.</p>
<h2>About the presenters</h2>
<p><strong>Diana Laurillard</strong> is Professor of Learning with Digital Technologies at the London Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, leading externally-funded research projects on (i) developing a learning design support environment for teachers, and (ii) developing software interventions for learners with low numeracy and dyscalculia. This work relates closely to her roles as Assistant Director for Open Mode learning, and as a founder member of the Planning Board for the cross-institutional Centre for Educational Neuroscience (IOE, Birkbeck, UCL). She is joint coordinator for the MSc in Learning Technologies with Birkbeck, and is also involved in consultancies for La Guardia College USA, the Institute of Education Hong Kong, Temasek Polytechnic Singapore. Diana's current roles include: Boards of the Observatory for Borderless HE, Supervisory Council for Fern Universität in Hagen, Governing Board of the UNESCO Institute for IT in Education. She has given many international keynote addresses, published in many academic journals and books, and her book Rethinking University Teaching: A conversational framework for the effective use of learning technologies (2002, RoutledgeFalmer), one of the most widely cited in the field, is now translated into Chinese (ECU Presss, 2011). Her forthcoming book is ‘Teaching as a Design Science: Building Pedagogical Patterns for Learning and Technology’ (Routledge).</p>
<p><strong>Stephen Downes</strong> is a senior researcher for Canada's National Research Council and a leading proponent of the use of online media and services in education. As the author of the widely-read OLDaily online newsletter, Downes has earned international recognition for his leading-edge work in the field of online learning. He developed some of Canada's first online courses at Assiniboine Community College in Brandon, Manitoba. He also built a learning management system from scratch and authored the now-classic "The Future of Online Learning". At the University of Alberta he built a learning and research portal for the municipal sector in that province, Munimall, and another for the Engineering and Geology sector, PEGGAsus. He also pioneered the development of learning objects and was one of the first adopters and developers of RSS content syndication in education. Downes introduced the concept of e-learning 2.0 and with George Siemens developed and defined the concept of Connectivism, using the social network approach to deliver open online courses to three thousand participants over two years. Downes has been offering courses in learning, logic, philosophy both online and off since 1987, has 135 articles published in books, magazines and academic journals, and has presented his unique perspective on learning and technology more than 250 times to audiences in 17 countries on five continents.</p>
<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at http://www.alt.ac.uk/events/webinar-faqs.<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>
<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11. We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at http://www.alt.ac.uk/events/webinar-faqs.<br /><br />The webinar will start at 1230 UK time, and will finish no later than 1330.<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to new CMALT assessors<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the assessment criteria, advice on how to complete an assessment and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>
<p>The webinar will be run using Blackboard Collaborate 11 We will notify you of arrangements approximately three days prior to the webinar, giving you time to get your PC or Mac set up and tested, taking account of the guidance on the ALT web site at http://www.alt.ac.uk/events/webinar-faqs.<br /><br />The session is designed to provide information and support to candidates looking to complete their portfolios in the next few months.<br /><br />It will provide an overview of the submission process, advice on how to complete a portfolio and an opportunity to see how the assessment process works.<br /><br />There will also be time for individual questions at the end of the session.</p>
More information about ALT-C 2011 is available at <a href="http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc/alt-c-2011" target="_blank" title="Link to ALT-C 2011 homepage">http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc/alt-c-2011</a>. To check whether your organisation is a member of ALT, please refer to <a href="http://goo.gl/NuMzt" target="_blank" title="Link to list of Organisational and Sponsoring Members">http://goo.gl/NuMzt</a> [PDF] (both links open in a new window). Please note that we will be publishing booking details and prices for exhibitors and for other special categories of delegate during week beginning 13 June. Thank you for your patience.</p>
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<u>Booking accommodation</u><br />
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As indicated throughout the booking process conference accommodation on campus is not included in your booking. You can book accommodation directly via the University of Leeds.Accommodation in decent quality facilities at the heart of the University of Leeds campus, and a few minutes walk from all the conference locations, is available from a price of £40 per night from the University of Leeds, with instant confirmation via the secure online booking and payment system accessible via <a href="http://goo.gl/6lmkr">goo.gl/6lmkr</a>. (To book you will be required to create a new customer account with the University of Leeds; and if you require alternative means of payment or need more information please contact Leeds University by email to ALTaccommodation@leeds.ac.uk or by phone to +44 (0)113 343 5006.)<br />
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We will post information about hotel accommodation in Leeds on the ALT-C web site at <a href="http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc/alt-c-2011">http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc/alt-c-20... during week beginning 13 June. However, having taken a close look at the University of Leeds accomodation we are confident that this will be the best option for the overwhelming majority of conference delegates. Thank you for your patience.</p>
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<p>This is a one day event run by the Association for Learning Technology about lecture capture and how to do it well and at scale. You will find below links to recordings of each session made using Adobe Connect. [Important note: ALT was piloting its use of Adobe Connect during the conference. All of the recordings are of at least adequate quality, but there is room for improvement in several of them.]<br /><br />Many organisations are turning to recording lectures and other kinds of teaching session, and publishing these internally or externally so that students and others can access the recordings at their leisure.<br /><br />“Lecture Capture” is the awkward name for the family of technologies that support the making of such recordings. The aim of this ALT event is to help participants get to grips with the human, organisational, pedagogic, quality and technical challenges of doing lecture capture well and at scale.<br /><br />The tag for the event is #altlc (changed from #alt_lc).</p>
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<p><strong>Programme</strong><br /><br />10:30 - Registration and refreshments</p>
<p><strong>Rolling out institutional systems</strong></p>
<p>10:50 - Two minutes from each exhibitor<br /><br />11:05<br />The Anxiety of Exposure - how lecture capture brings everything out for everyone to see. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p3yj3lxg1t7/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>.<br /><br />Eoin McDonnell, Queen Mary, University of London <br /><br />At QMUL we are now leaving our pilot phase and entering a larger scale production environment. We've learned lessons about the technology, about the law and about how people feel when a camera appears in a space hitherto sacrosanct.<br /><br />An unexpected outcome of wide-scale lecture capture has been exposure, both deep and wide, across the university of gaps in provision and practice. Eoin McDonnell will speak about Queen Mary's experience of discovering those gaps and what happens when they are brought to light.</p>
<p>11:35 <br />From one VCR to an enterprise level lecture capture system – LSE's experience. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p35gpbuqdzv/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>.<br /><br />Like many educational technology developments, lecture capture started at LSE as an ad hoc response to a request from a single lecturer - in this case to record some ‘optional’ maths lectures. We quickly realised that our early efforts would not scale up, so started to look for other options.<br /><br />We were fortunate that solutions started to appear on the market at just the right time and a limited labour intensive recording programme developed into a campuswide automated recording system that some students might now regard as 'mission-critical'. I will look at some of the problems we encountered and how they were addressed along with staff and student attitudes to lecture capture at LSE<br /><br />Kris Roger, London School of Economics<br /><br /><strong>Lecture recording in the Sciences</strong></p>
<p>12:05 <br />Four years of automated audio-video-slide recordings using the EyA system. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p8tn02tyrqr/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>.<br /><br />Dr. Marco Zennaro and Dr. Enrique Canessa<br />International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)<br /><br />A key issue to carry out massive digital lectures recordings is to automate as much as possible the production and post-production processes to pull down all the costs.<br /><br />The EyA and OpenEyA systems developed at ICTP (Trieste, Italy) allow to archive and share traditional lectures and talks carried out using, e.g., very large chalkboards found in classrooms and/or using modern presentations (PPT, PDF, animations, etc). We will present the system architecture and our experience in recording scientific lectures for the last four years. http://www.ictp.tv/</p>
<p>12:35 <br />Enhancing student learning: providing recordings of Chemistry reaching - an HEA project. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p6ic6khkibp/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>.<br /><br />This project is to use technology to enhance learning and teaching. This is achieved through the provision of audio and video recordings of teaching sessions given by academic colleagues within the Chemistry Department. Provision of the recordings has benefits to both staff and students. It is believed that there is no barrier to the practical aspects of the project - thus the project is to bring about a transformative change such that at least 10 academic colleagues from within the department will provide recordings of their teaching sessions to students. This project has had the backing of the Higher Education Academy Discipline-focused Learning Technology Enhancement Academy (DfLTEA). <br /><br />Progress, achievements, issues, student and staff feedback from the project together with experiences of the DfLTEA will be described and future directions outlined.<br /><br />The project has several associated web pages describing aspects of the project:<br /><br />i) <a href="http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/projects/detail/DFLTEA1_Liverpool">Higher Education Academy</a> (overview of the project)<br /><br />ii) <a href="http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/physsci/home/projects/recordingedlectures">UK Physical Sciences Centre</a> (contains an example short recording of one of the recorded lectures)<br /><br />iii) <a href="http://www.liv.ac.uk/eddev/iteach/case_studies/iTeach_Case_Study_E-Learn... of Liverpool iTeach</a> (contains a case study of project on the University’s Centre for Lifelong Learning Inclusive Teaching – iTeach - site)<br /><br />Dr. Neil Berry, University of Liverpool<br /><br />13:05 - Lunch and Exhibition<br /> <br />Exhibitors include:<br /><br /> Adobe and Collaborate<br /> Echo360<br /> Desire2Learn<br /> Mediasite by Sonic Foundry<br /> openEyA - Automated Lecture Capture System<br /> Panopto<br /> Techsmith<br /> MELSIG - Media Enhanced Learning SIG<br /> ViTAL Video in Education - HEA/ALT Special Interest Group<br /><br /><strong>Practical guidance for lecture capture</strong></p>
<p>14:15 <br />Supporting lecture capture through effective staff development. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p88dcgmpay8/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>.<br /><br />Juliet Hinrichsen and Amanda Hardy, University of Coventry<br /><br />The very simplicity of lecture capture technology has tended to render staff development and support needs invisible. Our research has, however, highlighted a number of practical and conceptual issues and questions encountered by academics, managers and support staff. We will outline the range of issues and discuss how staff development has been a mechanism both to surface these issues and respond appropriately to them.<br /><br />15:00<br />Learning through lecture capture. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p8zb6domw3r/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>.<br /><br />Clive Young, UCL and John Conway, Imperial College London <br /><br />There is no doubt that lecture capture is a very significant learning technology and hugely popular with students. But does it just support or even encourage a traditional and outmoded pedagogy? Or could it actually lead to more open and social forms of learning design? In this discussion we will begin to explore the pedagogical issues surrounding lecture capture including ‘active’ patterns of student usage, mobile delivery and the potential of feedback and social commenting.<br /><br />15:30<br />Copyright and IPR in lecture recording. <a href="https://collab8.adobeconnect.com/p305afh0xfc/">Recording in Adobe Connect</a>. <br /><br />Dr. Graham McElearney, University of Sheffield<br /><br />Copyright law can seem daunting and confusing, yet many of us supporting lecture recording may find ourselves having to give advice and help formulate Institutional policies on this despite being non-experts. This session aims to summarise the key issues and provide practical and pragmatic answers to questions you may have.</p>
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<p>The 18th international conference of the Association for Learning Technology will be held at the University of Leeds, UK, 6-8 September 2011.<br /><br />ALT-C 2011 will provide a valuable and practical forum for practitioners, researchers, managers and policy-makers from education and industry to come together to explore, reflect, influence and learn.<br /><br />Conference co-chairs: John Cook and Sugata Mitra.<br /><br />Plenary presenters will include: Miguel Brechner, Karen Cator and John Naughton<br /><br />See the conference webpage for further information <a href="http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc/alt-c-2011">http://www.alt.ac.uk/altc/alt-c-20...