20th Annual General Meeting of the Association for Learning Technology
Wednesday 11 September 2013 - 14:45-15:30
Main Auditorium, EMCC, University of Nottingam, Nottingham, UK
Note to ALT Members. A voting card will be issued to those eligible to vote at the AGM when you register on arrival at the conference. Please:
- bring this with you to the AGM;
- make sure to sign in at meeting on one of the sign-in sheets provided;
- leave your voting card with ALT on your departure.
(This process has been adopted to help ALT keep an accurate tally of attendance and to help the Tellers differentiate during voting between non-voting visitors, individual members, and the representatives of organisational and sponsoring members.)
1. Welcome from Martin Oliver, President
2. Apologies for absence
3. Appointment of two Tellers (the role of Tellers is to count the number of votes for, votes against, and abstentions during voting by “show of hands”)
4. Approval of the Minutes of last general meeting held in Manchester on 12 September 2012 (Martin Oliver will be looking for individuals present at the 2012 meeting to propose and second that the 2012 minutes are an accurate record of the 2012 AGM)
5. Matters arising from the Minutes of the last general meeting (if any)
6. Annual Report and Accounts for 2012-2013 (copies will be provided on arrival and Haydn Blackey, who is Honorary Treasurer of ALT will report to the meeting and take questions)
7. Appointment of an Auditor for the 2013-2014 Accounts
8. Brief verbal report from Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive
9. Elections to Trustee vacancies. To announce the results of the election of:
a) a Vice-Chair of the Association (an ex-officio member of the Central Executive Committee who will become Chair in September 2014, and President in September 2015)
b) two individuals to serve for three years as Trustees of the ALT
10. Handover to Claire Donlan, incoming President, and close