ALT will be launching it's next strategy, for 2017-2020, in February 2017.
Following an update for members on progress made six months ago, the consultation process on the new strategy is underway and included the symposium on Learning Technology in Higher and Further Education hosted at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in May. ALT's Operational Committees will meet for a strategy day in October and this year's Annual Survey will be expanded to include a section on the new strategy.
In the meantime, we have set up this 'suggestion box' which enables anyone to make a suggestion for the next strategy, including suggesting any new membership services or benefits we should consider, strategic priorities or personal reflections. Your input will help inform the consultation process and we are grateful for your suggestions.
If you would like to discuss your ideas or issues further, please include this in your suggestion or email us at FAO Maren Deepwell, chief executive. You can also access the suggestion box form directly or share it via this link: