ALT’s Framework for Ethical Learning Technology (FELT) is designed to support individuals, organisations and industry in the ethical use of learning technology across sectors. It forms part of ALT’s strategic aim to strengthen recognition and representation for Learning Technology professionals from all sectors. The need for such a framework has become increasingly urgent as Learning Technology has been adopted on a larger scale than ever before and as the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK, representing 3,500 Members, ALT is well placed to lead this effort. We define Learning Technology as the broad range of communication, information and related technologies that are used to support learning, teaching and assessment. We recognise the wider context of Learning Technology policy, theory and history as fundamental to its ethical, equitable and fair use.
New FELT Resources for Reflective Self-Assessment
We are launching two new resources: the FELT Reflective Self-Assessment. You can use this assessment tool to reflect on a particular project, a new tool or platform or you can use it to focus on a particular aspect of your work. We encourage all Learning Technology professionals to undertake this self-assessment to reflect on their professional practice in relation to FELT’s four core areas. Based on the outcome, you can then move on to complete individual sections focused on particular aspects of your practice.The self-assessment is mapped to the CMALT accreditation framework and this is indicated throughout the assessment.
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Reading & resources
We are continuing to collate resources and recommended reading about taking ethical approaches for Learning Technology. This month we want to highlight:
- New Tool: A Digital Ethics Compass, published by the The Danish Design Center, DDC, DataEthics EU
- A pathway towards responsible, ethical AI, published by Jisc
Keep informed and contribute
The work to further develop the framework is now underway. We invite you to:
- Keep informed: Members will receive a quarterly update about the new framework. If you are not already a Member, consider joining or sign up to our public monthly updates;
- Join the summit: we are holding an annual summit meeting online, helping you learn about the new strategic developments and research;
- Contribute: We are actively looking for contributions in order to develop a robust baseline of policies and practice.