We have received many requests to extend the deadline for submissions and are pleased to announce that the new deadline is Midday GMT Friday, 25 November 2016.
The 8th Open Educational Resources Conference, OER17: The Politics of Open, will be held from 5 to 6 April 2017 at Resource for London, UK. The conference themes for submission this year are:
- Local, national, and international policy and practice
- Cape Town Declaration 10th anniversary & 5th anniversary of the UNESCO Paris declaration
- Privacy, surveillance, and open politics
- Governance and power
- School-level policies
- Institutional/organisational politics
- Changing cultures
- Open in the classroom
- Open organisations and organising
- From OER to OEP
- Participation & social equality
- Open as inclusive
- Human rights and OER
- Digital literacy & open
- Children, young people and open education
- Open Party
- Celebrating heroes, wins and progress
- Hacking, making, gaming, sharing
- Open innovation
- Wildcard contributions
There are four submission formats: lightning talks, presentations, workshops and panels, and posters.
We hope to see you in London in April 2017!