We are delighted to announce the return of the ALT Online Winter Conference and with it the call for proposals. The event, now in its fourth year, takes place online on 12 and 13 December and is an opportunity for ALT Members to showcase some of their work, create new resources and gain feedback from other Members and an international audience. The format of the event is designed to be multimodal, combining both asynchronous and synchronous activities. This year we have three types of sessions explained below plus a wildcard option if you would like to try another format:
Webinar - 30-minute session (with min 10 min for discussion or Q&A with participants)
Tweetchat - 30-minute discussion (please include a #tag in your proposal)
Edit-a-thon - 60-minute session where you facilitate the editing and improvement of an existing resource (please include a link to the resource)
Wildcard/Other - Up to 60 minutes to do something different
Submissions are only eligible from ALT members in both individual and organisations. The event will be open for anyone to register for free. If you are not a member but would still like to submit a proposal, you can find out more about our membership options.
The deadline for submissions is 19 November 2017. Proposals will be checked for eligibility, fitting within the chosen session type and programming restraints within each time slot. All authors will be notified of their acceptance or otherwise in w/c 20 November.
Read more about the call and submit a proposal.
To take part, please register for free by completing this short form.
If you are interested in supporting the event, you can make a financial contribution.
Would you like to sponsor the event and gain exposure to Learning Technologists in this country and further afield? Contact Jane Marsh jane.marsh@alt.ac.uk for more information.