This CPD webinar is run by Chris Morrison and Jane Secker who are the Co-Chairs of the Copyright and Online Learning ALT Special Interest Group. They established the group and the Copyright and Online Learning webinar series in 2020 and have run over 60 events to support those in the education sector. In 2023 they were highly commended by ALT for Digital Leadership. Their sessions have covered a wide range of topics including:
- understanding copyright exceptions and educational licences,
- copyright and audiovisual resources,
- finding and using open educational resources,
- accessibility and copyright
- copyright and Generative AI.
- And lots more!
In this hour-long session they will distil the key aspects of copyright you need to know when working in the field of learning technology. Chris and Jane believe that misconceptions about copyright and the fear of getting it wrong make copyright a much bigger issue than it needs to be. As a result, they are on a mission to make learning about copyright, fun engaging and empowering. Come along with all those
questions about copyright you were afraid to ask and be prepared to leave with a large slice of copyright literacy! Once you see the light, copyright will no longer be a barrier to you and perhaps become your new found super power!
United Kingdom