ALT ELESIG Editor and Author Meet Up

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This event has gathered experienced editors/authors together to share their own editorial and publishing expertise and experiences as well as provide practical advice to writers.


  • Andy Townsend, University of Nottingham
  • Brett Bligh, University of Lancaster
  • Tunde Varga-Atkins and Dr Simon Thomson, University of Liverpool
  • Michael Flavin, King’s College London

Andrew Townsend is Associate Professor in Educational Leadership at the University of Nottingham.  His interests are primarily concerned with participatory models of research and educational change.  This stems from an overarching interest in the development of individuals and organisations (including leadership) and a consideration of the part that research, and research partnerships, can play in that process. He is the Coordinating editor of the journal Educational Action Research, sits on the editorial board of three other journals and has edited a number of action research texts. Educational Action Research publishes articles based often on small scale action research studies. This also includes similar kinds of approaches like participants research, practitioner research or examples of learning from reflective practice. 

Brett Bligh is co-Director of the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning, a research centre of the Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. His research interrogates the nexus of technology mediation, physical environment, and institutional change in higher education. Brett’s work prioritises Activity Theory conceptions of human practice, and interventionist methodologies. Brett is co-editor of Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning (https//, a gold open access journal which aims to provide a lively forum for debate and reflection on a wide range of issues connected with technology enhanced learning in disparate settings. The editors wish to support a range of different written formats and styles; to allow for contrarianism, iconoclasm and angular argument; and to provide a space for ongoing conversation and debate rather than tidy consensus.

Tünde Varga-Atkins, PhD, is a Senior Educational Developer at the Centre for Innovation in Education, University of Liverpool and Senior Fellow (HEA). Her specific areas of research encompass areas in curriculum design and evaluation, assessment and feedback, digital capabilities and organisational learning. Tünde has employed multimodal and creative methods in her research, such as working with drawings and diagrams for data elicitation, poems for data analysis, and combining existing methods, such as the nominal focus group to support curriculum evaluation. Tunde is the current North-West co-lead of ALT ELESIG, a special interest group sharing and building capacity about research and evaluation of learners’ experiences with technology. Tünde is an editor of Research in Learning Technology and associate editor of Developing Academic Practice journals. 

Simon Thomson is Director of the Centre for Innovation in Education at the University of Liverpool. He has led on a number of funded Learning & Teaching projects including a HEFCE funded project into next generation Digital Learning Environments, a JISC/HEA funded Open Education project and a Leadership Foundation supported 1to1 tablet device implementation project and more recently a joint project with the British Council supporting Peruvian Universities in making the transition to online learning.In 2014 Simon was awarded an Advance HE National Teaching Fellowship largely based on his work on open education and innovative curriculum development. As a passionate advocate for open education much of his work and resources are freely available on the web with an open license. He tweets using the name @digisim and sporadically blogs here:

Michael Flavin is an academic at King’s College London and the interim editor-in-chief of Research in Learning Technology. He holds a degree, three masters degrees and two doctorates, including a masters in online and distance education and a doctorate in technology enhanced learning in higher education. He is the author of four books, including Disruptive Technology Enhanced Learning (Palgrave Macmillan 2017) and Re-imagining Technology Enhanced Learning (Palgrave Macmillan 2020).  

30 Jun 2021 from  1:00 PM to  2:00 PM
United Kingdom