
ALT is now looking for input from Members including case studies for this Call for evidence: data and technology ethics in education, health, smart vehicles & policing.  ALT was represented at the roundtable on Education in November 2018 and we...
ALT has collated a response (available here) from its Members and the ALT Open Education Special Interest Group to the UNESCO invitation to provide input for the OER Recommendation text, full details here:  https://www.oercongress.org/unesco-oer-...
All across our community of Members and beyond we come together to advocate for openness in Education and the important role Learning Technology can play in supporting it. Here are the highlights of what is happening: #OER 18 Open to all: preview 9...
ALT has responded to the Higher Education Funding Council for England Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework. The response was submitted by ALT as a membership body, representing as members over 2300 individuals and 180...
Major changes face us across sectors, from area based reviews and development of Apprenticeships in the Further Education system to how we demonstrate excellence in teaching and research in Higher Education. These challenges provided the context for...
OER16: Open Culture will take place 19-20 April at the University of Edinburgh. The vision for the conference is to focus on the value proposition of embedding open culture in the context of institutional strategies for learning, teaching and...
The Association has submitted evidence to the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills in response to a consultation on Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice. The consultation on higher education...
The Assocation has submitted evidence to the Scottish Government in response to a consultation on the development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland This consultation seeks views on the development of a Digital Learning and...
The Assocation has submitted evidence to the Commons Select Committee of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills for the inquiry into assessment quality in Higher Education. Scope of the inquiry The Business, Innovation and Skills...
The Assocation has submitted evidence to the Commons Select Committee of the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills for the digital economy inquiry. Scope of the inquiry This inquiry focuses on Government actions affecting businesses in the...
