Everyone working in Learning Technology plays a vital role in education, especially in times of a global pandemic. As the leading professional body for Learning Technology in the UK, ALT has organised the Summer Summit to champion the work of our community and to share useful resources to help with the start of the next academic year.
There is no let up for us as a community, as we try to cope with the consequences of school examination results, work to implement new accessibility legislation, support staff and increasingly online provision whilst coping with increased family and care responsibilities.
The Summer Summit, 26-27 August 2020, has the theme of exploring Learning Technology in a time of crisis, care and complexity. Hundreds of participants from over 22 countries will be participating in the event.
We will bring together leaders, researchers and practitioners from across sectors. With a packed programme over 2 days we will explore the themes of crisis, care and complexity with an international line up of featured speakers, practical sessions and panel discussions on topics ranging from assessment to student well being. The programme features keynotes from Bonnie Stewart and Dave Cormier and Charlotte Webb, a special Q&A session with Angela Saini and two strategic plenary panels alongside 40 sessions over two days.
Some of the themes we will be exploring are:
How to grow your own Learning Technologists (read more)
Why do we need to practice trauma-informed pedagogy during the Covid-19 pandemic and also in the (new) normal? (read more)
Strategies for coping with teaching during a crisis (read more)
How can feminist approaches can help us navigate through crises as well as re-imaging technologies (read more)
Explore the full programme and speaker line up to find out about the ‘Crisis & Care’ gasta session and our social programme with networking, karaoke and the summit cafe supported by our sponsors and partners.
We are proud to be able to champion the work of our Members whom we represent and convene dialogues around the most difficult issues we are facing. ALT provides an independent platform on which to explore the challenges we are facing for the year ahead at the Summit.
ALT has a successful track record of delivering high quality, engaging events online, attended by thousands of participants each year, and we look forward to welcoming Members and newcomers to our first fully virtual summit this week.
Notes for Editors
ALT (the Association for Learning Technology) is a professional and scholarly association which brings together those with an interest in the use of learning technology. As the UK’s leading membership organisation in the Learning Technology field, we work to improve practice, promote research, and influence policy.
You can explore what we do via our strategy slides, download the full text in PDF or Google docs. Visual content is available on Flickr.
We have over 3,500 Members across education sectors in the UK and internationally.
If you are writing about, blogging or sharing images and videos about the Online Summer Summit using tools that support tagging, please use the tag #altc and #altcSummit.
Our Sponsors are listed at https://altc.alt.ac.uk/summit2020/our-sponsors/.
More information about the conference: https://altc.alt.ac.uk/summit2020/.
Association for Learning Technology, Tel: +44 (0)1865 819 009 URL: http://www.alt.ac.uk/
ALT is a Registered Charity in the UK, number: 1160039