The ALT West Midlands Members Group met on 14 November at Coventry University, and two of us from ALT had the privilege of joining the meeting.
The theme was ‘Disruptive Learning’ and we heard a series of fascinating short talks on the subject, from ‘Disrupting borders’ to ‘Disruptive Technology’. We were encouraged to see disruption as a positive force for change and learnt about examples.
Do your disruption because you really want to achieve something.
(Teresa MacKinnon, Warwick University)
Problems should be embraced.
Positive disruption should be embraced.
(Jon Rhodes, University of Wolverhampton)
We also had a tour of the Disruptive Media Lab at Coventry University and finished with Lego Serious Play, which involved us all having a go at expressing the future of learning in Lego.
Good conversations were had during the coffee break and an excellent lunch.
We were impressed with the energy and enthusiasm of all who came to the meeting.
Do join the West Midlands Members Group if you live in this area.
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