Having our Members take an active part in the work of the Association ensures that our activities are shaped by Members’ priorities and also offers valuable opportunities for professional development and recognition.
We are seeking expressions of interest for Members to become an #altc Blog Editor. Our #altc Blog publishes a wide range of posts and articles, including news, opinion pieces, project updates, case studies, book reviews, and ‘a week in the life’ summaries of the work of people in the Learning Technology field.
Our editors are an integral part of the blog publishing process. Editors promote the blog and encourage diverse contributions. Ensure contributions align with the blog Code of Conduct and ALT’s values. Editors act as critical friends and will proofread posts and, on occasion, make suggestions to the contributor(s) on ways their post could be improved.
Editors remain in post for a maximum 6-year term and attend 4 meetings per year. The number of posts submitted vary throughout the year and editors should expect to edit no more than 5 posts per year. New editors will be supported by our experienced editors and the ALT staff team.
Expressions are invited from:
- ALT Members in good-standing,
- all sectors of education and training including schools, vocational education, Higher Education, and work-based learning,
- people in research, practitioner, management, technical and policy roles as well as learners who have a special interest in Learning Technology,
- the private and public sectors,
- within and outside the UK (subject to reaching agreement on an effective method of participation).
In keeping with ALT’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, to encourage diverse voices and to enable as many Members to participate in ALT’s activities as possible, applications from those who are not already involved in ALT activities will be given priority.
Please express your interest via the form by the deadline of Monday 19 February 2024 at noon GMT.
All applicants will be notified of the outcome by 15 March 2024.