The ALT Annual Conference 2020 Call for Proposals has been extended. The new deadline is Thursday 2 April 2020.
We have taken this action to support the submissions of ALT Members and conference participants who are taking part in industrial strike action in the UK University and College Union (UCU) announcement of strike action on pensions and on pay and working conditions, Thursday 20 February - Friday 13 March.
More information about the Annual Conference themes and the submission process are included in our Call for Proposals.
The Association for Learning Technology is an independent, charitable membership body which represents individual and organisational Members from all sectors.
Independence is one of our core values. ALT is solely being funded from membership and events income, and in February 2018 ALT became a fully independent organisation. As an independent charity ALT maintains strong connections with Higher Education Institutions as well as other sectors, sector bodies, membership organisations and unions.
Whilst we continue to provide membership services to Members from across sectors in the UK and internationally we are glad to extend the Call for Proposals, as well as support our Members taking part in the strike during this period in other ways. Please contact us if you require support or further information.