ALT Awards submissions closing soon!

Entries for the ALT Awards 2024 are still open until 11 June 2024, meaning there is just over a week to submit your entry. This year’s Awards Ceremony will take place on 4 September, as part of the ALT Annual Conference 2024, held in Manchester. 

With the awards now in their 17th year, this year we have a number of categories to better reflect our Learning Technology community:

  • ALT Award for Individuals
  • ALT Award for Institutions and Teams
  • ALT Award for Leadership in Digital Education
  • ALT Award for Digital Transformation in partnership with Jisc
  • ALT Award for Case Studies of Ethical EdTech 
  • ALT Award for Use of Technology in Vocational Education (in partnership with Ufi VocTech Trust)
  • ALT Community Choice Award

We are delighted to announce the launch of a brand new award, in partnership with Ufi VocTech Trust, which focuses on vocational education. The ALT Award for Use of Technology in Vocational Education is open to individuals and teams from FE and the adult vocational skills and training sector. 

We are also pleased to be bringing back the ALT Community Choice Award which hasn’t been awarded since pre-pandemic ceremonies. This special award allows our ALT Community to vote for their winner, and all entry submissions can opt to be included for this award. Entries who opt in, will be judged in the award category they have entered, and then also be in the running for the Community Choice Award. Voting for our community will open for this award over the summer. 

How to enter

The awards are free to enter and are open to individuals and teams based anywhere in the world. If you'd like to see what it takes to win, have a look at the entries from last year's finalists. Below is more information on each Award category and the criteria:

ALT Award for Individuals

ALT Award for Institutions or Teams

ALT Award for Leadership in Digital Education

ALT Award for 

Digital Transformation in partnership with Jisc

ALT Award 

for Case Studies of Ethical EdTech 

ALT Award for Use of Technology in Vocational Education in partnership with Ufi VocTech Trust

Open to individuals from all education and training sectors. 

Open to institutions and teams from all education and training sectors.  Open to professionals from all education and training sectors. This can be a joint entry where appropriate. 

Open to teams, departments, or faculties from all education and training sectors. 

Open to entries for case studies of products, services, platforms and/or successful implementation of ethically driven policies and guidance.  Open to individuals and teams from FE and the adult vocational skills and training sector

This Award celebrates outstanding achievements of individuals in a research, technical, supportive, design, developer, administrative, academic or hybrid role. 


Should demonstrate significant impact on practices within your organisation, community, or sphere of influence. 

This Award is for teams and institutions and recognises outstanding strategic enhancement of the design, development and delivery of online and blended education.


Should demonstrate positive impact on the learner experience and sustainable development of academic practice in the digital environment.

This Award celebrates individuals in a leadership position within their institution or in their sector who influence strategy, policy and culture change. 


Must, in part, demonstrate impact through sector and institution-wide instruments, such as: the NSS, FELT, staff surveys etc. Submissions could  include  examples of strategy and policy, institutional culture change, redesign of governance and ongoing contributions to national and international professional communities.

This Award in partnership with Jisc recognises achievement in digital transformation.

‘Transformation’ being a progressive systemic change in practices, processes, services and partnerships which improves the working lives of staff, has a positive impact on the student experience (including teaching, learning and assessment) and can be demonstrated to be sustainable in the broadest sense. Applications should demonstrate how the work/initiative maps to the Jisc framework for digital transformation.

This Award celebrates outstanding case studies demonstrating the ethical use of Learning Technology.

We are looking for case studies which demonstrate application of the FELT framework dimensions and address ethical considerations or challenges in relation to educational technology.  
Examples may include, but are not limited to,  online assessment, learning design, the use of AI, decolonising the curriculum and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion through use of Learning Technology. 

This award in partnership with Ufi VocTech Trust recognises achievement in the use of technology for vocational education. It is for individuals and teams who are working innovatively with technology to help people develop and improve their skills for work.

Should demonstrate a commitment to using innovative technological approaches to vocational education which have a positive impact on learners.

Please find a definition of vocational education here.

The judging criteria are informed by the CMALT principles

  • A commitment to exploring and understanding the interplay between technology and learning
  • A commitment to keep up to date with new technologies
  • A commitment to communicate and disseminate effective practice
  • An empathy with and willingness to learn from colleagues from different backgrounds and specialism

All entries should demonstrate alignment with the Framework for Ethical Learning Technology (FELT) and specifically FELT four core principles: Awareness, Professionalism, Care & Community and Values. 



Entry forms can be found below. Please complete the correct entry form for the award category you wish to enter and submit your entry form by Tuesday 11 June 2024. You can find the full entry criteria below. You need to complete all sections of the entry form online. Entries will be judged on the basis of the information you provide and the evidence you refer to, and there are no interviews taking place this year. If you have any questions regarding your entry, please contact us on

Entry Form for Individuals, Teams, Digital Transformation, Vocational Education

Entry Form for Leadership in Digital Education

Entry Form for Case Studies in Ethical EdTech



The judging panel will review all entries and the highest scoring entries in each category are short-listed as a finalist. All entries will be notified whether they have been short-listed by 18 July. 


Following the shortlsting all finalists will be notified and invited to attend the Award Ceremony.

For more information on the Awards or if you have any questions, please contact

Award Ceremony

The Awards will be presented during the Gala Dinner at the ALT Annual Conference 2024. You can find out more about becoming an Awards Ceremony sponsor by contacting us at More Ceremony details will follow soon.