ARLTSIG: The past, present and future of race, racism and learning technologies: challenges and possibilities

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This online webinar is hosted by the antiracism and learning technology special interest group (ARLT SIG) as part of a series on ‘antiracism in learning technology and design’. In the webinar, Dr Gurnam Singh will talk about approaches to anti racism in learning design and/or technology, followed by a series of questions exploring approaches to decolonising learning design and learning technologies. Questions and comments will also be welcomed from the audience

Summary: This presentation will explore the intersections of race, racism, and learning technologies. In doing so the session will draw attention to how racialised conceptions of ‘the learner/student’ have become entangled with learning technologies and educational exclusion. Turning to the present and future developments, the session will be a focus on artificial intelligence and educational platforms can reproduce racism, but also how the very same technologies can be deployed to disrupt barriers to fostering inclusive learning environments. In doing so, the presentation will explore the possibilities of a transformative role for learning technologies, advocating for a paradigm shift where inclusion, decolonisation and anti-racist pedagogies become the driving force for all learning design.


Brief Bio: Dr. Singh is (Hon) Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Warwick. Previously posts have included, Fellow in Race and Education at the University of Arts, London and Associate Professor of Equity of Attainment in Higher Education, Coventry University. Dr Singh completed a PhD at the University of Warwick in 2005 focusing on anti-racist social work. In recognition of his work on ‘critical and innovative pedagogy and higher education’, he received a National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) in 2009 and in 2018 he became a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA). Dr. Singh's extensive publication record encompasses four books, over 40 peer-reviewed papers, chapters, and review articles, and over 200 keynote conference presentations. His work covers a wide range of topics, including race, racism, anti-racism, diversity, decolonization, ethics, higher education, and social work. Currently, his primary focus revolves around decolonizing higher education, with a special interest in exploring the opportunities and challenges presented by the rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (AI). For more detail on his work and research, please follow this link.

We look forward to welcoming you to this webinar at 12-1:30pm on Wednesday 29th January 2025.

29 Jan 2025 from 12:00 PM to  1:30 PM
United Kingdom