ALT East England: Assessment for Employability - sharing case studies at MK College (In Person)

Following our online "Open Discussion," we invite you to share and discuss practical case studies or examples on "Assessment for Employability." This in-person event offers a unique opportunity to connect and explore examples in the innovative environment of MK College. We welcome your proposals to speak or facilitate a session - please volunteer your ideas via this form: Under the theme we are considering areas such as authentic assessments, practice-based assessment or how assessment is informed by metrics for further and higher education which are linked to employability and employability outcomes.

Event location
The event is in Milton Keynes: South Central Institute of Technology, Bletchley Campus - Led by MK College, the Institute provides higher level technical qualifications, apprenticeships and short courses, working with a consortium of brands such as KPMG, Microsoft, and Cranfield University. The event will feature examples from the College, a tour of the campus and an and optional demo of the VR BodySwaps software.

Additional information
This free event includes lunch and is open to both ALT members and non-members. Spaces are limited, so if you have registered but are unable to attend, please inform us in advance.

Supporting references:
Underwood, J. (2022). Assessment can have a big impact on graduate employability, WonkHE, 17 February. Available at:
Romero-Gonzalez, M. (2024). Evidencing the impact of authentic assessment in graduate employability, Advance HE News, 21 February. Available at:

27 Mar 2025 from 10:00 AM to  2:00 PM
South Central Institute of Technology
Bletchley Campus
Milton Keynes,
United Kingdom