ALT’s members are invited to attend this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held online at 10am (BST) on 24 June 2020. The AGM will be open to all and all eligible Members will receive joining instructions and information about how to vote the week prior to the AGM.
The Agenda for the AGM will be issued at least two weeks prior to the meeting. All papers for the AGM and related information will be published on our dedicated Annual General Meeting page and circulated to those registered to attend.
The quorum for the AGM is twenty-five members of at least 12 months’ standing. Individual and Certified members and the representatives of organisational members have one vote each (Associate Members are not eligible to vote).
Registration for voting Members closes 17 June 2020 at 10am BST to allow us to circulate AGM papers and voting information. Registrations will remain open until 24 June 2020 for observers.
The online AGM will run in Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. If you have not used Collaborate Ultra before, it may be helpful to consult our webinar FAQs.
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