ALT Community Call: Paul Gormley (@pgormley123) on community and culture

ALT is piloting a monthly 'Community Call' where we speak to ALT Members about their work. For our next call we speak with Paul Gormley (@pgormley123) from the Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA  

ALT and ILTA are both membership charities working to enhance learning technology knowledge and practices in education. ALT and ILTA undertake similar activities in their respective regions by: informing national policy through research activities and strategic consultation; developing partnerships with local and international agencies; managing online, peer-reviewed, open access journals; organising annual conferences; providing awards for innovation; and representing members nationally and internationally.

There are, and have been, considerable overlaps between the work of ALT and ILTA for some time, with members of each body contributing to respective activities such as attending national conferences and providing input to research activities. These synergies led to ALT (Maren Deepwell)  and ILTA (Paul Gormley) signing a Memorandum of Understanding on March 4th 2014.

For this month's call we talk to Paul about ILTA, exploring the role of communities in sharing and building knowledge. We will also get a preview to ILTA’s annual conference EdTech 2016 which is going to be held in Dublin 26-27 May 2016

We will be hosting this session as a Google Hangout On Air and you can watch the call from the Google+ page, YouTube Channel or embedded in this page below. You can ask questions during the call from the Google+ page or via Twitter by tagging it #altc

7 Apr 2016 from 12:30 PM to  1:00 PM
United Kingdom