Learners as leaders - ocTEL webinar week 5

As part of the ocTEL course we are running weekly webinars, starting on 30th April. Webinars are open to all and are free to attend. ocTEL participants will automatically receive joining instructions, so there is no need to register again. We will make the recordings of the sessions available via the ocTEL website. If you haven't yet registered for the course then you can still do so via the ocTEL registration form.

This week's webinar

You can access this week's session via this link (please note the session will not be live until one hour before the start time).

Ellie Russell is the Projects Officer for The Student Engagement Partnership, an initiative housed by NUS and funded by HEFCE, Guild HE and AoC. Ellie works on various projects on student engagement and students as partners, including leading on NUS’ work with Changing the Learning Landscape.

Student engagement can feel simultaneously exciting and difficult. In the first half of the session Ellie will explore the politics of student engagement and the emerging focus on students as partners at a national and local level. She will also explore examples of good practice from institutions and students’ unions on engaging students in curriculum design and TEL projects.

Professor Shân Wareing is Pro Vice Chancellor for Learning and Teaching at Bucks New University, and has worked closely with national organisations including Jisc, ALT, SEDA, the HEA and the Leadership Foundation of which she's a Fellow. Her academic background is in English Literature and Linguistics, and her previous roles include Dean of Learning and Teaching at University of the Arts London (UAL), where she led teams in Elearning, Teacher Accreditation and Educational Development, and Careers and Employability.

In the second half of the sesion Shân will look at concepts of leadership, and how these can be applied effectively in the context of elearning and higher education, to support students, staff and institutions through times of change. She will draw on examples including the Jisc-funded UAL Digital Literacies Project.

How to join

Participate in the live session using Blackboard Collaborate: http://go.alt.ac.uk/octel2014-week5-webinar
Watch live stream of Blackboard Collaborate session on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoRtC_cupvw

12 Jun 2014 from 12:30 PM to  1:30 PM
United Kingdom