TLC Webinar - Learning Development Unboxed?

The next Teaching and Learning Conversation (TLC) is on Tuesday 22 January at 12:00 – 13:00 (60 minutes) with John Hilsdon, independent counsellor and academic, formerly Associate Professor and Head of Learning Support and Wellbeing at the University of Plymouth.

This month’s TLC is titled ‘Learning Development Unboxed?’. “In this conversation I hope to elicit a view of Learning Development based on the notion that our mongrel-like profession, emerging in the UK since the 1990s, can help individuals resist being put into the institutional ‘boxes’ created for them by collectively devising creative learning practices for the benefit of students, staff and, by extension, society beyond the university. In this, I am inspired by Hannah Arendt’s notion of “a world in common” (1958), to see universities as places where we develop learning communities, and thinking outside of rigid boxes with narrow labels like ‘graduate skills’ and ‘employability’; to shape, instead, what Ron Barnett terms “feasible utopias,” albeit starting in small ways or in fleeting moments, to support learning for a sustainable world in common.”

Full details of this TLC and the presenter, and joining instructions, are available on the TLC website at:

22 Jan 2019 from 12:00 PM to  1:00 PM