New ALT Strategy 2017-2020 launched

The Chair and Trustees of ALT are delighted to announce the new ALT strategy 2017-2020. This three year plan will underpin all of the organisation’s activities until 2020.

Developing a new strategy can be challenging for any organisation, particularly a membership organisation such as ALT. We need to be confident that our strategy and in turn the activities and developments the organisation focuses on, do represent the needs of our membership community.

As Chair, I’ve found the manner in which the strategy has been developed as significant as the strategy itself. ALT champions open practice, and the development of the strategy was an opportunity to ‘walk the talk’. The webinars, face to face session, and online form were all examples of how we seek to gather input from all members. The strategy itself provides a clear direction for the Association and positions it as a key voice in educational technology both nationally and internationally. - Martin Weller, Chair

During the later half of 2016, we spent a lot of time consulting our members and getting feedback and suggestions. As well as an online suggestion box and feedback form, we used our annual face to face planning day with members of our committee to get feedback. In addition, and for the first time, we ran a number of webinars where members could put their thoughts to our Chair Professor Martin Weller, Vice Chair Sheila MacNeill and our CEO, Maren Deepwell. Read more about how the strategy was created on the #altc blog.

You can explore the strategy slides, download the full text in PDF or Google docs. Visual content is available on Flickr There is also a webinar to celebrate the launch to the new strategy taking place on 2 March 2017. More information is available here.
