The ALT Annual Conference 2017 takes place at the University of Liverpool from 5 to 7 September 2017 and has the theme ‘Beyond islands of innovation – how Learning Technology became the new norm(al)’.
Following a record number of submissions for this year’s ALT Annual Conference, Sponsorship and Exhibition slots are in high demand.
If you are wondering why organisations like to attend the Annual Conference, there are a few things you may be surprised to learn:
- Over 500 people attended the conference in person last year, with a significant number more joining sessions remotely.
- We welcomed participants from over 14 countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA.
- Over 15,000 tweets were published using the conference hashtag #altc, generating over 500k impressions.
- Participants hold a wide variety of roles, including Lecturer, Development Director, Digital Learning Consultant, Digital Learning Resources Manager, Director of ICT, Teacher, Head of eLearning, IT Services Specialist, Managing Director, Staff Development Officer, VLE Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Vice Chancellor.
- Our participants come from across sectors, including Higher and Further Education, industry and adult learning as well as schools.
Opportunities for sponsoring and exhibiting start from £2,500 with a range of options available. For full details see https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2017/sponsorship-exhibition/.
Use the hashtag #altc to let your audience know you will be attending. We look forward to seeing you there!
Image credit: Picture by Chris Bull www.chrisbullphotographer.com 6/9/16 Annual Conference 2016 day one