We are delighted to announce that the #OER17: The Politics of Open call for proposals has now been published. The 8th Open Educational Resources Conference, OER17: The Politics of Open, will be held from 5 to 6 April 2017 at Resource for London, UK. The deadline for proposals is on midday GMT Wednesday, 16 November 2016. The conference themes for submission this year are:
Local, national, and international policy and practice
- Cape Town Declaration 10th anniversary & 5th anniversary of the UNESCO Paris declaration
- Privacy, surveillance, and open politics
- Governance and power
- School-level policies
Institutional/organisational politics
- Changing cultures
- Open in the classroom
- Open organisations and organising
- From OER to OEP
Participation & social equality
- Open as inclusive
- Human rights and OER
- Digital literacy & open
- Children, young people and open education
Open Party
- Celebrating heroes, wins and progress
- Hacking, making, gaming, sharing
- Open innovation
- Wildcard contributions
There are four submission formats: lightning talks, presentations, workshops and panels, and posters.
We hope to see you in London in April 2017!