The 18th international conference of the Association for Learning Technology will be held at the University of Leeds, UK, 6-8 September 2011. For more information about the conference see the main conference web site.
Conference co-chairs
- John Cook, Professor of Technology Enhanced Learning at the Learning Technology Research Institute, London Metropolitan University.
- Sugata Mitra, Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University.
Whether you've been involved in ALT for years, are new to the learning technology domain, or are an experienced researcher or presenter from other fields with innovation to report, please take the time to review the call and guidelines documents below. With your help we can make the 2011 ALT Conference a truly outstanding, influential, and enjoyable event.
Categories of submissions
We welcome submissions of two broad types:
- An abstract of up to 350 words describing either a Demonstration (30 minutes), Short Presentation (ePoster + 6 mins), Short Paper (20 minutes), Symposium (60 minutes or occasionally 80 minutes), or a Workshop (60 minutes). All abstracts will appear in the Conference Introduction and Abstracts.
- A full Proceedings Paper of up to 5000 words, for publication in the peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings of ALT-C 2011, together with a 350 word abstract (taken from the paper), and a 200 word presentation overview which will appear in the Conference Introduction and Abstracts and online.
Calls and Guidelines
Provided below are links to comprehensive documents on the ALT Open Access Repository for you to download and/or refer to prior to writing or submitting a proposal, and for you to make us of during the subsequent editing process if your proposal is successful. Please read the relevant documents carefully.
- Call and Guidelines for Proceedings Papers
- Proceedings Paper Template
- Call and Guidelines for Short Papers, Short Presentations (ePosters), Symposia, Workshops and Demonstrations
Key dates
- Calls and Guidelines issued 10 Dec 2010
- Proposals accepted from mid December 2010
- Submissions close on 21 February 2011
- Presenters' registration deadline 27 June 2011
- Earlybird registration deadline 4 July 2011
- Registrations close on 12 August 2011
Outstanding and Best Proceedings Paper Awards
All presented proceedings papers are considered by ALT for an Outstanding Proceedings Paper Award. To receive this award, the judges had to agree with the statement "This paper presents work that strongly advances the field of learning technology". [If there is no agreement on the words "strongly advances" then the judges may make a Best Proceedings Paper Award.]
Best Short Presentation Awards
All accepted short presentations are eligible for the Best Short Presentation Awards, one voted for by the conference delegates and the other subject to a wider online voting community.
Download a copy of the first edition of the flyer for the conference [0.8 MB PDF]