
Each year we issue an open call for Members to become more involved in the work of ALT. To get involved in any of the areas listed below, please complete this short form: http://go.alt.ac.uk/2rEx9GM by 25 August. This Call includes Operational...
Each year we issue an open call for members to become more involved in the work of ALT. Usually, this is focused on Operational Committees. This year however we have expanded the call to highlight a number of other opportunities. We seek expressions...
ALT wishes to fill several vacancies on its main operational committees. In all cases this is for an initial three year term. ALT seeks expressions of interest from: all sectors of education and training; people in research, practitioner, and...
ALT wishes to fill several vacancies on its main operational committees. In all cases this is for an initial three year term. ALT seeks expressions of interest from: all sectors of education and training; people in research, practitioner, and...