2022 Annual General Meeting and Trustee elections [1]

Our 2022 Annual General Meeting, will be held in person and online at ALT Annual Conference, 7 September 2022, Manchester UK. All Members are encouraged to attend and the AGM is also open to guests and observers.
In accordance with the ALT Constitution [2] adopted in 2019, the business of the Annual General Meeting will include:
- the election of Trustees;
- approval of accounts and report;
- decisions on any resolutions.
The Agenda for the AGM will be issued at least two weeks prior to the meeting. All papers for the AGM and related information will be published online [3].
The quorum for the AGM is twenty-five members of at least 12 months’ standing. Individual and Certified members and the representatives of organisational, partner or sponsoring members have one vote each (Associate Members are not eligible to vote).
Deadline for resolutions
Any resolutions for consideration at the AGM should be marked “AGM” and sent to arrive by 11 July 2022. Items may be submitted to Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive, ceo@alt.ac.uk [4] .
For enquiries please call +44 (0)1865 819 124.
Election 2022: Call for 2 Trustees
ALT is governed by a board of elected and co-opted trustees, who form the B [5]oard of Trustees [5]. Much of the work of ALT is done on a pro-bono basis by the active members of ALT's Assembly [6]. Supporting the work of our Members is a small and busy, distributed staff team [7].
All elections and appointments of Trustees is undertaken in line with ALT’s aims and values [8] and in accordance with ALT’s policy on equality and diversity [9].
We invite nominations for 2 Trustees to serve an initial three year term to be elected by Members.
Find out more about being a Trustee of ALT
- Find out what's involved in being a Trustee [10]
- Learn about our work as a charity [11]
- Meet the current B [5]oard of Trustees [5]
- Find out about what we do [12] and our impact [13]
- Eligibility requirements: election is open only to members of at least 12 months' standing and aged 18 years or over on the date of the AGM at which they take up office.
Submit nominations via this form [14]. All nominations should be submitted by Monday, 11 July 2022.
Ballot process
The ballot for any contested vacancies will be conducted online by the Electoral Reform Services and the result will be communicated to members at the AGM. All eligible members will be sent an email with instructions on how to use the secure Internet ballot site. It is vital that you check that the e-mail address currently used for your account on our website is correct by 30 June 2022. To check your details, go to https://www.alt.ac.uk/user [15] and sign in to your account. The Members Area will display your registered email and ‘Update’ link if you need to change it To update your details, enter them into the relevant field and click 'Save'. In case of difficulty, please contact us via http://www.alt.ac.uk/contact [16].
- governance [17]
- Members [18]
- elections [19]
- AGM [20]
- Board [21]