Deadline: 3 July 2011 - ALT-Epigeum Award for most effective use of video in an educational or training context

Deadline for entries: midnight on 3 July 2011

Now in its third year, this award aims to give credit to those practitioners who are exploiting video to enhance learning and to disseminate good practice around the sector. Submissions must relate either to video components of wholly online courses, or to the online components of blended learning courses.

The winner will receive a £500 cash prize together with an expenses-paid trip for two people to central London to spend half a day meeting and learning from the Epigeum team. The prize will be awarded at the ALT-C 2011 gala buffet on 7 September 2011.

The deadline for entries is midnight on 3 July 2011. For further information please refer to the award rubric and the entry form for the award.
