Learning Technologist of the Year 2021 Announced Today! [1]

ALT Learning Technologist of the Year Award [2] finalists were announced today, Thursday 16 December 2021. With such a high standard of entries to the awards this year, The Association for Learning Technology [3] showcased all of our award finalists at our Online Winter Conference [4].
The ALT Awards were established in 2007 to celebrate and reward excellent practice and outstanding achievement in the learning technology field, and aim to promote intelligent use of Learning Technology on a national scale. The Awards are open to individuals and teams based anywhere in the world.
Meet the Winners
Individual Awards
Winner: Phil Anthony, Learning Technologist at the University of Kent, who has established the Digitally Enhanced Education (DEE) webinar series to share practice in technology enhanced learning (TEL) with a global audience of over 3,200 people.
Runner Up: Elizabeth McGlone, Learning technologist at Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland, who has designed a programme of learning for academics which would lead staff to explore and adopt existing and newly emerging educational technologies to enhance learning and teaching.
Highly Commended: Dr Monica Chavez, a trained applied linguist with a PhD in English Linguistics, and great enthusiasm for educational technology, who has focused on building the future and creating change to empower people via technology and day to day teaching practices.
Team Awards
Winner: Programme Design and Learning Technology (PDLT) at the University of York, who has led institutional efforts to develop inclusive learning, teaching and assessment practices which recognise and celebrate the diversity of the student community, benefiting all our students.
Runner Up: Digital Education Team at the University of Lincoln, who focused on an inclusive digital learning transformation across the institutional VLE (Blackboard), doubling the accessibility scores of our learning resources, through a combination of all-staff training, innovative productivity tools and strategic leadership.
Third Place: The DIgital Education Team at UCEM, Over the past year UCEM’s digital education team has embarked on a collaborative mission to take this knowledge and use it to design and realise a new educational framework centred around authenticity, inclusivity, flexibility and who their students are.
Learn more about all the Finalists on our Awards Showcase [5] page.
A big thank you to our Award Judges
The expert panel of judges was chaired by David White, President of ALT. The panel represents expertise from different sectors and countries, bringing together a wealth of experience in Learning Technology. The judges for this year were:
Matt East, Talis Education LTD
Neil Hughes, University of Nottingham
Bob Harrison, University of Wolverhampton/Northern College
Rosemarie Mcllwhan, Heriot-Watt University
Santanu Vasant, University of West London
Louise Rowland, Ufi VocTech Trust
Richard Harris, Raynes Park High School
David White, University of the Arts London
Lorna Campbell, University of Edinburgh
Michael Flavin, king's College London
Tunde Varga-Atkins, Centre for Innovation in Education | University of Liverpool
James Brunton, Dublin City University
Notes for Editors
ALT (the Association for Learning Technology) is a professional and scholarly association which brings together those with an interest in the use of learning technology. As the UK’s leading membership organisation in the Learning Technology field, we work to improve practice, promote research, and influence policy.
You can explore what we do via our strategy slides, download the full text in PDF or Google docs. Visual content is available on Flickr.
We have over 3,500 Members across education sectors in the UK and internationally.
If you are writing about, blogging or sharing images and videos about the Awards using tools that support tagging, please use the tag #altc and #LTOYA.
Association for Learning Technology, Tel: +44 (0)1865 819 009 URL: http://www.alt.ac.uk/ [6]
ALT is a Registered Charity in the UK, number: 1160039