Final week for 2016 Trustee elections [1]
Voting to elect two new Trustees will remain open for only 1 more week, closing at 12:00 noon on Wednesday 17 August 2016. The election is being carried out by the Electoral Reform Service. Eligible Members will have received voting instructions via email and any members eligible to vote twice, as individual members and representatives of member organisations, will have received two emails. Members who hold Individual, Certified or Honorary Life Membership or represent organisational members will be eligible to vote.
The ballot process will ratify the unopposed election of Sheila MacNeill as the next Vice-Chair of ALT and will determine the election of two new Trustees with Bella Abrams, Lorna Campbell and Chris Rowell standing for election. Each candidate's full election statement is available from the voting site.
The Annual General Meeting will take place on 7th September 2016 at the University of Warwick, UK. Members who are not attending the Annual Conference are encouraged to participate in the AGM either remotely or face to face.
To find out more about being a Trustee of ALT, see [2] and information about how ALT is governed [3] is available via this website.
Candidates and election statements
Candidate for Vice-Chair vacancy
Sheila MacNeill
Senior Lecturer (Blended Learning)
GCU LEAD - Centre for Learning Enhancement and Academic Development
Glasgow Caledonian University
I have been a Trustee of ALT since September 2013. Being elected a Trustee of ALT has been one of the highlights of my professional career to date. It was an honour to be elected by my peers to represent the membership of the organisation.
In such uncertain times for the whole of the education sector in the UK, ALT is increasingly providing a strong voice for our community in relation to national directives around the use of technology enhanced learning. I would now like to extend my commitment to both the organisation and the membership by taking on the role of Vice Chair.
I believe I will bring a grounded view of sectoral developments and needs from the organisation. I welcome the opportunity to be more involved in the strategy development, planning and management of the organisation as it develops and implements its new three year strategy in 2017.
Candidates for 2 Trustee vacancies
Bella Abrams
Director of Innovation and Technology
Hull College Group
I’m Bella Abrams and I’m a co-opted trustee of ALT and have been for just under a year. I am standing for election to become a longer term trustee as I feel that I have a lot more to offer the members and the organisation – due to my experience in Further Education, Work-Based Learning, software development and programme management.
I’ve worked in Learning Technology for 16 years, in many roles at Ufi/learndirect and lately as
Director of Innovation and Technology for Hull College Group – with responsibility for learning
technology, libraries & e resources, ICT and software development. I am proud to have been a member of the Technology Directorate at learndirect who were commended for our work in the ALT awards as far back as 2008.
Since then, I have spent my career working to further the use of technology in education and advocating for staff and students to reach their career goals and to be supported to improve their skills and capability in the use of technology to achieve them. I am passionate about education and the role that technology can play and believe that as a trustee of ALT I can help
further this both in the FE, WBL and HE sectors
Lorna Campbell
OER Liaison - Open Scotland, LTW
University of Edinburgh
I have been actively involved in the UK education technology community since 1997 and have a long-standing commitment to promoting open education technology, policy and practice. I am standing for election as a Trustee of ALT as I believe I can bring considerable experience to the Association, along with a valuable focus on open education.
My main areas of expertise include digital infrastructure for open educational resources, open education policy, open licences, and technologies for supporting the management and distribution of educational content.
I currently work as OER Liaison – Open Scotland at the University of Edinburgh where I help the university to realise its vision for OER, and promote the potential of open education to support all sectors of Scottish education. I also engage with a number of international initiatives promoting the strategic benefits of open education and OER policy.
I have engaged with ALT in a number of capacities; as an individual member, as a regular speaker at ALT events, as a member of the ALT Scotland SIG Steering Group, and as co-chair of the OER16 Conference. I would now welcome the opportunity to make a more strategic contribution to ALT and help the Association further its objectives.
Chris Rowell
Deputy Learning Technology Manager
Learning Resources
Regent’s University London
I am standing for the position of ALT Trustee because of my commitment to education and learning technology. As a trustee I will try to influence and shape the future work of the association by brining my own expertise to the role:
- Promotion of Open Online CPD. Over the last few years I have run and developed a number of open online course for those involved in the ALT community such as The 10 Days of Twitter and 12 Apps of Christmas.
- Closer collaboration with other Professional Associations. In the past I have served on the Staff and Educational Development Association’s (SEDA) national executive and Conference Committee as well as working closely with CILIP and ARLG. I would like to see closer links with these organisations.
Over the last 30 years I have had extensive experience of working in Further and Higher Education as a FE/HE lecturer and more recently as a Learning Technology manager. In all of these roles I have pioneered the use of new and innovative uses of technology to enhance the students learning experience.
I have completed my Certified Member of the ALT (CMALT) in 2011 and I’m currently an Assistant Editor of the ALT blog.
- AGM [4]
- Trustees [5]
- elections [6]
- governance [7]