2016 Nominations for Trustees and Vice-Chair of ALT and AGM Calling Notice [1]

The 2016 AGM Calling Notice and Trustee and Vice-Chair nomination forms have now been published at http://repository.alt.ac.uk/2366/ [2] .
If you are a member of ALT and would like to take a more active role in the governance of the Association, then you should consider standing for election either as Vice-Chair or Trustee. Trustees work together to ensure that the vision and aims set out in ALT's strategy [3]are being met and that the Association serves and represents its members. You can find out who our Trustees are here [4].
To find out more about being a Trustee of ALT, see http://go.alt.ac.uk/1jiG6eC [5] and information about how ALT is governed [6] is available via this website.
Closing date for nominations: Friday 10 June 2016.
The result of the election will be announced at the AGM on 7 September and newly elected Trustees will begin their term on this date.
For an informal conversation or if you have any questions, please contact Maren Deepwell, Chief Executive (email: maren.deepwell@alt.ac.uk [7]).
- governance [8]
- Trustees [9]
- AGM [10]
- ALTmembers [11]