CMALT Award Ceremony 2019 [1]

After the success of last year, we will once again hold the CMALT Award Ceremony at this year’s ALT Annual Conference 2019. The ceremony will celebrate Certified Members of ALT (CMALT holders) attending the conference who have achieved or renewed their CMALT [2] accreditation in the last year.
The ceremony forms part of ALT’s strategic work to strengthen professional recognition for Learning Technology professionals and reward commitment to reflective practice and continued professional development.
As part of the Ceremony the awards of the new Associate and Senior CMALT pathway [3] will be made. After 18 months of consultation with Members the new pathways are officially launching at the conference and will be open for registration by 4 September 2019.
The CMALT Award Ceremony will be held as part of the AGM on Wednesday 4 September from 16:30 to 17:30 [4] and new CMALT holders will be congratulated by the Chair of ALT, Sheila MacNeill, and the President, Martin Weller. The AGM [5] is open to all ALT members and AGM passes can be arranged for anyone not registered as a conference delegate. If you are a recent CMALT Holder who is not already attending the conference and would like to attend the AGM and take part in the CMALT Ceremony please contact us to request a pass.
CMALT, our Certified Membership scheme, is a peer-based professional accreditation scheme developed by ALT to enable people whose work involves learning technology to have their experience and capabilities certified by peers and to demonstrate that they are taking a committed and serious approach to their professional development. To find out more download the CMALT prospectus [6].