The Chair's Award [1]
Enhancing the way in which ALT champions professional recognition in Learning Technology, this inaugural Award has been made by the Chair of ALT to honour an individual who has been nominated by ALT Members for having made an exceptional contribution to the work of ALT and specifically to its community of members as Learning Technology professionals on an international scale. Alongside the recently launched Research Project of the Year Award, the Chair’s Award will provide Members of ALT with a new way to give national recognition to individuals who have made exceptional contributions through their professional practice to support ALT’s core values of collaboration, participation, openness and Member engagement.
Inaugural Award (2018) - Martin Hawksey [2]
Reflecting on making this inaugural award, Sheila MacNeill, Chair of ALT, comments ‘As the current Chair of ALT I am delighted to be able to have awarded the inaugural Chair’s award to Martin Hawksey. As well as developing and managing our ALT IT infrastructure, Martin’s open research and developments, particularly TAGSExplorer, have made a significant impact to many other communities across the globe. Martin is a constant and central presence for our community, though often he is hiding away at the back of a conference room. I am so happy that the ALT community presented such a strong case to bring him and his work centre stage for this award.’
The Chair of ALT may award a Community Award to an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to the work of ALT and specifically to its community of members as Learning Technology professionals in a regional, national or international context.
Rules and process
Eligibility. Any member of ALT may be nominated.
Entitlement to nominate. Any individual member of ALT or employee of an ALT member organisation is entitled to make or support nominations.
Normally the Chair of ALT may only make one such Award during their term of office.
Nominations may be made at any time (download the nomination form [3]).
If the Chair of ALT has an interest in the outcome of the process in respect of any of the nominees, he or she will stand down and be covered by another Trustee.
The decision of the Chair will be final.
Nominations are made in accordance with ALT’s Privacy Policy [4]
This process will be reviewed from time to time and not less than 5 years from the previous review (last review 2018).