- ALT Members respond to Digital teaching and learning during the coronavirus pandemic: Call for evidence, Office for Students, 15 October 2020;
- ALT Members respond to Technology and Data Ethics Inquiry, 17 January 2018.
- ALT Members respond to UNESCO consultation on OER Recommendation text, 1 June 2018.
- Open Education and OER: A Call to Action for Policy Makers , December 2017.
- ALT response to Higher Education Funding Council for England Consultation on the second Research Excellence Framework, 17 March 2017.
- ALT Symposium: Learning Technology in Further and Higher Education hosted by the Department for Businness, Innovation and Skills, 16 May 2016. Proceedings and Executive Summary ;
- ALT response to inquiry into Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee, January 2016;
- ALT response to the Scottish Government consultation on the development of a Digital Learning and Teaching Strategy for Scotland, December 2015;
- ALT response to inquiry into assessing quality in Higher Education, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee, October 2015;
- ALT response to inquiry into the Digital Economy, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Select Committee, October 2015;
- ALT response to HEFCE Business Plan 2015-2020: Questions for gathering feedback from the sector, December 2014;
- A summary discussion of the use of learning technologies in further education: AoC/ALT position paper , September 2014;
- Contribution to the ETAG, report of findings from the ALT survey on the effective use of Learning Technology in education ,contributed by ALT in July 2014 to the work of theEducation Technology Action Group (ETAG);
- Contribution to the FELTAG Report, Paths forward to a digital future for Further Education and Skills , published March 2013 by the Further Education Learning Technology Action Group;
- ALT Green Paper . Developing a strategy for continuing UK leadership in global education: Proceedings from a policy roundtable discussion. November 2013;
- Evidence submitted by ALT to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee in response to Select Committee Announcement 42 on Open Access. 6 February 2013 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT response to the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee Short Inquiry into Open Access. 18 January 2013 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository].
- Better Learning through Technology – a report from the SchoolsTech Conversation run by Naace and the Association for Learning Technology (ALT) between January and March 2012. May 2012, with final edits made in July 2012 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- Evidence-based policy development in Learning Technology . A report on the invited event held by the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), the ESRC/EPSRC funded Technology Enhanced Learning programme (TEL) and Intellect (the UK trade association of the technology sector). 9 January 2012 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- Royal Society Vision for Science and Mathematics Education 5-19. A joint response to the Royal Society’s call for views from three leading Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research labs in the UK, in collaboration with the UK’s Technology Enhanced Learning research programme and the Association for Learning Technology (ALT). 16 March 2012 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT contribution to the current discussion about the place of Computer Science in the National Curriculum for England - December 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT response to Scottish White Paper "Putting Learners at the Centre: Delivering our ambitions for Post-16 Education" - December 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository]
- An ALT response to Ofsted's consultation on the Common Inspection Framework for the Learning and Skills Sector - November 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT comment on the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Opportunity, choice and excellence in higher education strategy statement - October 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT response to the Research Excellence Framework 2014 draft panel criteria and working methods - October 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT response to the review of the English National Curriculum - April 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- An ALT response to the Higher Education Academy's Consultation on the UK Professional Standards Framework for Higher Education - January 2011 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to the review of JISC for the funding bodies by Sir Alan Wilson - November 2010 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- Technology in learning , an ALT and Technology Enhanced Learning Research Programme response to some questions for the Department of Business Innovations and Skills - October 2010 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- AoC and ALT response to the Royal Society's call for evidence about the teaching of computing in schools - 2/11/2010 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- How might learning technology impact on the modern delivery of learning in Scotland? A document prepared by the ALT Scotland Group for Michael Russell, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning - 22/10/2010 [hyperlink to record in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to the independent review of Directgov by Martha Lane Fox - 31/8/2010 [hyperlink to 35 kB PDF file in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT and eLearning Network joint response to the consultation on Skills for Sustainable Growth - 31/8/2010 [hyperlink to 50 kB PDF file in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to the Hefce's consultation on the Online Learning Task Force discussion document - 13/5/2010 [hyperlink to 80 kB PDF file in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to the second consultation on the Gowers Review proposals on proposed changes to copyright exceptions - 31/2/2010 [hyperlink to 80 kB PDF file in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to the UK Funding Councils' consultation on the Research Excellence Framework - 9/12/2009 [hyperlink to 78 kB PDF file in the ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to JISC's consultation on its 2010-2012 Strategy - 28/9/2009 [hyperlink to ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to Department of Business Innovation and Skills consultation on legislation to address illicit peer-to-peer file-sharing - 28/9/2009 [hyperlink to ALT Open Access Repository];
- ALT response to the Learning and Skills Improvement Service's consultation on its National Improvement Strategy - 21/2/2009 [~250kB PDF];
- ALT response to the Intellectual Property Office's "The Future" consultation paper - 4/2/2009 [~150kB PDF];
- ALT response to the Communities and Local Government Department's consultation on delivering digital inclusion - 19/1/2009 [~145kB PDF];
- ALT response to the DIUS consultation on higher education at work - 7/5/2008 [~45kB PDF];
- ALT response to the DIUS informal adult learning consultation - 12/5/2008 [~57kB PDF];
- ALT response to the UK Intellectual Property Office's preliminary consultation on proposals to extend the educational exceptions on copyright - 8/4/LT response to Bec2008 [~50kB PDF];
- ALT's respons to Becta's Harnessing Technology for FE, Skills, and Regeneration progress report - 12/3/2008 [~36kB PDF];
- ALT response to the Research Excellence Framework consultation - 13/2/2008 [~25kB PDF];
- ALT response to the DIUS consultative prospectus Improvement in the Further Education Sector - 25/1/2008 [~50kB PDF];
- Response to consultation on the HEFCW's Circular W07/42HE 'Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Technology: A Strategy for Higher Education in Wales' - 30/11/2007 [~90kB PDF];
- Response to the HEFCW consultation of the position of e-learning in HE in Wales - 14/3/2007 [~30kB PDF];
- Response to the QIA Pursuing Excellence consultation - 20/10/2006 [~88kB PDF];
- Response to the DfES consultation on the reform of higher education research assessment and funding - 11/10/2006 [~77kB PDF];
- Response to the JISC consultation on the JISC 2007-2009 Strategy - 25/9/2006 [~77kB PDF];
- Response to the JISC survey on environments to support e-learning - 17/1/2006 [~71kB PDF];
- Response to the HEFCE's 2006-2011 Strategy Consultation - 13/1/2006 [~130 kB PDF];
- Standards framework for teaching and supporting student learning in HE - ALT response to consultation by the Higher Education Academy - 12/10/2005;
- Response to the RAE 2008 - Consultation on assessment panels' draft criteria and working methods - 18/9/2005 [~150 kB PDF];
- Response to the Higher Education Academy 2005-2010 Strategy Consultation - 27/1/2005 [~90 kB PDF];
- Response to RAE 2008 panel configuration and recruitment - 11/5/2004 [~100 kB PDF];
- Response to the DfES's Towards a Unified e-Learning Strategy Consultation Document - 28/1/2004 [110 kB PDF];
- ALT briefing for the JISC Committee for Learning and Teaching - 9/2/2004 [107 kB PDF];
- Comments on the Draft JISC Strategy - 29/11/2003 [~75 kB PDF];
- Response to the HEFCE e-learning strategy consultation - 24/11/2003 [~56 kB DOC];
- Response to the 21st Century Skills White Paper - 29/10/2003 [~140 kB PDF];
- Response to consultation by the UK funding bodies on the review of research assessment by Sir Gareth Roberts - 19/9/2003 [~77 kB PDF];
- Response to consultation by Scottish Funding Councils for Further and Higher Education on their 2003-2006 Joint Corporate Plan - 30/5/2003 [~60 kB PDF];
- Response to consultation by HEFCE on its 2003-2008 Strategy - 26/5/2003 [~70 kB DOC];
- Response to the Higher Education White Paper - 30/4/2003 [~60 kB DOC];
- ALT Bullet Point Paper to DfES/LSC Joint Implementation Group (JIG) - 3/3/2003 [~60 kB DOC].