Weekly news digest for Members [1]

After 339 editions the ALT News Digest is now published every Friday. ALT's weekly News Digest is emailed to subscribers to ALT-ANNOUNCE@jiscmail.ac.uk [2].
There is an archive of past issues of the Digest here [3].
Submitting items for the Digest
To submit items for the Digest, including job vacancies, please complete this form [4] taking careful note of the instructions given.
In case of difficulty, please contact us [5].
Use the #altc hashtag on Twitter
We actively monitor the #altc [6] tag on Twitter. If you would like items for the Digest to also be distributed by @A_L_T [7] include #altc in a tweet and if appropriate we will retweet it.
- news. digest [8]
- Members [9]