'Early bird' registration deadline tomorrow, 9 July - 2019 ALT Annual Conference [1]

We look forward to welcoming many of you at this year's ALT Annual Conference in Edinburgh in September and this is the final reminder that 'early bird' registration closes tomorrow.
Members can benefit from a discounted rate to attend all 3 days including the awards evening and single day tickets and non-member rates are also available.
Members can benefit from a discounted rate to attend all 3 days including the awards evening and single day tickets and non-member rates are also available.
'Early Bird' registration
2019 ALT Annual Conference 2019 – Data, Dialogue, Doing
3–5 September 2019, University of Edinburgh
Deadline: midnight, 9 July 2019
We have an exciting keynote line up (https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2019/keynote-speakers/ [3]) with Sue Beckingham, Jesse Stommel and Ollie Bray as well as a packed programme to look forward to https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2019/programme/ [4] . This year's event will see the first meeting of the newly established Members Assembly and the second annual CMALT Ceremony, where we will be celebrating all new Certified Members alongside the Learning Technologist of the Year Awards.
To keep up with all the latest conference news follow #altc on Twitter.
For more information about the conference please visit: https://altc.alt.ac.uk/2019/ [5]
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