Participating in the Creative Commons Global Summit 2019 [1]
This year ALT is represented at the Creative Commons Global Summit [2] for the first time as part of a partnership between ALT and Creative Commons for the OER19 Conference [3], which took place in April. ALT’s senior staff team, Maren Deepwell and Martin Hawksey attend the Summit as speakers for this session [4].
Our session focuses on bringing together different voices reporting the critical and global perspectives and sharing what’s happening in Open Education the UK. OER19 was the 10th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy. We share work from ALT Members institutions and recent policy developments ALT has provided input to on behalf of its Members.
The conference, co-chaired by Catherine Cronin and Laura Czerniewicz, focused on ‘Recentering Open: Critical and global perspectives’. At the CC Summit we discuss the outcomes of the conference and the work ALT does to support the Commons and highlight some of the responses to the questions being asked by OER19, such as:
Why open?
Open for whom?
Whose interests are served?
In what ways has the open agenda been appropriated, and what are the implications of this?
The geopolitics of open education, bringing open in from the periphery
The open ecosystem: How is open education part of the broader ecosystem of “opens”?
What does it mean to illuminate open by considering context?
How can historical perspectives contribute to understanding the issues faced in the open education movement today?
Links between critical digital literacies, critical data literacies, and openness
What open business models are emerging? What are the paths to sustainability?
What are the risks and challenges to the open education agenda?
Read about OER19 from the Co-Chairs as they reflecting on Coming up for air, keeping on breathing #OER19 [5].
We also invite CC Summit participants to learn more about the work of ALT’s Open Education Special Interest Group [6] and get involved in the activities open to all.
Further openly licenced resources:
Session slides [7]
Voices from OER19 [8]
Video sessions from OER19 [9]
Creative Commons Summit [2]
- openEducation [10]
- policy [11]
- OER [12]
- creativeCommons [13]