Pathways to CMALT: sign up for new CMALT pilot groups

ALT Strategy aim 3 image

CMALT, ALT’s Certified Membership scheme, is a peer-based professional accreditation scheme developed by ALT to enable people whose work involves Learning Technology to:

  • have their experience and capabilities certified by peers
  • demonstrate that they are taking a committed and serious approach to their professional development

Led by member feedback from the Annual Survey, and as set out in the ALT Strategy 2017-2020, we are launching a new CMALT initiative designed to provide a structured, peer-based framework for individuals undertaking CMALT independently or as part of a group. The new initiative will incorporate the piloting of two new CMALT strands, for early career candidates or candidates for whom Learning Technology is a smaller part of their role, and for candidates whose role includes management/leadership or research focus.

Following a consultation period over the past 6 months we are now preparing to pilot the new pathways to CMALT. The pilots will help to establish: examples to be included in guidance for the new pathway for candidates and assessors; and a group of peer-assessors able to assess portfolios submitted in the new pathways.
Starting in late January, we will run 2 pilot groups for which we need candidates and assessors.

Pilot group 1:
This group will pilot the CMALT pathway for early career professionals and those for whom LT is a smaller part of their role.
Sign up by 26 Jan:

Pilot group 2:
This group will pilot the CMALT pathway for advanced professionals whose role includes management/leadership or research focus. We are particularly looking for existing CMALT Holders to pilot this new pathway.
Sign up by 26 Jan:

Further information on this new CMALT initiative is available at

If you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact